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Fadedone's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Recruiting All skill levels! Searching for a permanent PvP Crew to help teach the ways of PRO's meta. Roles in discord for members with PVP rating, which provide the ranks within our guild. https://discord.gg/PFJ2kSWUMN
  2. thank you! ^u^
  3. I just want a 30d ms for it. I will trade with the first person to message me via forum.
  4. ohkay! win is MasterSam at insta 4m! Srry McSchitter!
  5. C.o. : 2.5m by: McSchitter ! Auction ends tomorrow at noon 12:34 pm
  6. C.o. : 2.25m by: MasterSam Auction ends tomorrow at noon 12:34 pm
  7. Listen McSchitter, this is my first time doing a forum auction and i made amistake. If you can't bare with me you don't have to continue to bid. I fixed it and thank you for your insight.
  8. lol by counting 3 days instead of hours sorry. there are still 24 hours left. and last offer is still 2.25m by Mastersam!
  9. 72 hours is 3 days right? started wensday it's friday
  10. C.o. : 2m by McSchitter ! Do I hear 2,250,000? anyone for the next bid?
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