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About Xeratios2

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Xeratios2's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. What server you on, and do you use discord?
  2. Was wondering if the 1m insta klefki is still available, if so.. i'd like to insta it :)
  3. As the title suggests i'm looking for a h.a. timid abra or evos. Please mention the price too or PM me in-game or on discord. Xeratios#9938 Budget would be about 3m untrained.
  4. #1: What is your in-game name? Xeratios2 #2: What is your age? 24 #3: What is your Discord ID? Xeratios#9938 #4: How many hours do play PRO each day? It varies nowadays. #5: What are your total number of hours in PRO? 1337 #6: How many badges have you collected? All #7: What would you think your specialty on PRO is (PvP/Trading/Hunter/etc.)? Hunting #8: What can you bring to us if you joined? Pics of my dog.
  5. Hello, everyone calls me Xera. I've been around for awhile now and caught a break for a few months due to a family situation and me moving and yadé yadé. Turns out, a lot of my friends i used to play with don't play anymore, and so i'm looking for a active, social guild where i can help out a little too. I know some guilds like to inspect, so screenshot is below. Other than that, i'd preffer to be contacted through discord, since i'm not on the game all the time, and i am on discord. Discord tag: Xeratios#9938
  6. Hello, i've recently returned to the game and i'd like to find me some people to share experiences with. IGN: Xeratios2 Discord: Xeratios#9938 Server: Gold You can inspect my trainer card with the bot if necessary.
  7. @Royalboss You can look through the shop, we keep it as up-to-date as possible.
  8. @Royalboss Shroom got sold for 55k and thread has been updated.
  9. @Riotatzu Yes, shroom is still available. Let me know when you're around.
  10. @Securly Gengar is still available, lmk when you can pick it up.
  11. @Allsmell i've sent you a message over discord. @Royalboss, shroom is available. Lmk when you can pick it up. (55k?)
  12. In-Game Name: Xeratios2 Discord Tag: Shengi/Rashnu.5370#9938 Server: Gold How often do you use Discord?: 24/7 What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord?: Try to clean up certain channels, and keep it as clean as possible.
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