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Everything posted by Barze97

  1. I don't know in which situation you are but one way in my mind is to let all your pokemon die.
  2. Added 8 new Pokemon. Timbur SOLD.
  3. I think i've won Darmanitan. My Discord is Barze97#8199
  4. new pokemon added: Garchomp, Foongus, Darumaka
  5. Snorunt sold, 2 Happiny and 2 Sneasel added
  6. i'm
  7. contact me when you can
  8. ok, can you come vermi now? Barze97#8199 on discord
  9. i'm interested at ha bold clefable and ha bold xatu Discord Barze97#8199
  10. can i offer 100k?
  11. i've restarted the pc and now it seems working
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