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Everything posted by Barze97

  1. new pokemon added: Garchomp, Foongus, Darumaka
  2. Snorunt sold, 2 Happiny and 2 Sneasel added
  3. i'm
  4. contact me when you can
  5. ok, can you come vermi now? Barze97#8199 on discord
  6. i'm interested at ha bold clefable and ha bold xatu Discord Barze97#8199
  7. can i offer 100k?
  8. i've restarted the pc and now it seems working
  9. I logged this morning and i see black screen, i can still see the HUD and my team. I tried to relog and the problem remains. I'm Barze97 in game, Silver server
  10. I have done some battles with serene grace blissey but it seems like it doesn't work: when I'm using thunder it should have 60% chance of paralysis but it seems like standard 30%, I tested also flamethrower and icebeam which both give me some results like they were 10% chance of secondary effect instead of 20%. One guy in my guild, predators, also said that he had the same problem when he was trying serene grace blissey. I'd like to have a check from you on it, also because training a blissey is already painful itself and then the discovery that it doesn't work it killed me. Thank you for attention, Barze97
  11. Write me on Discord who is still interested Barze97#8199
  12. Sorry, I see now.. Still interested?
  13. Barze97


    it could be good also to try to implement a way to reconnect to pvp match if we disconnect
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