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About Monkas17

  • Birthday 01/08/1999

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Monkas17's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)




Community Answers

  1. What's your in-game name? Monkas17 ● How old are you? 22 ● Are you active in Discord? Yep! ● Where are you from? Singapore, a small city ● What's your total playtime? 442hrs ● What's your goal in PRO? To make more friends and to talk about pokemon! ● What do you enjoy while playing the game? the exploration and customization of the character ● Why do you want to be part of the guild? To be a better player and to find myself enjoying the game ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? my fav is greninja! who doesnt love it? so much sweg PS: I hope i can still join even tho i previously was the guild leader :D:D
  2. bump!
  3. Hi, i'm not sure if you're interested in joining us. Just putting my forum here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/167605-rainfall-silver-server/ We're still a pretty small guild tbh and unable to provide what you need which is exp boost and guild island. But, we'd appreciate it if you can join us and help us improve
  4. Dear mmichaell122, We thank you for choosing us! We are more than happy to help you achieve your goal in PRO! We want players like yourself to help others. Thus, We gladly ACCEPT your application! 2. Please join our discord and let me know when you're available to join the guild. 3. Once again, thank you for joining Rainfall! Hope to see you soon!
  5. Dear Tarzan, We're glad to have a veteran player like yourself! To be honest, we are still a small guild starting out and we really appreciate you for choosing us! We are definitely more than happy to have you to grow with us in Rainfall! Thus, We gladly ACCEPT your application! 2. Please join our discord and let me know when you're available to join the guild. 3. Once again, thank you for joining Rainfall! Hope to see you soon!
  6. bump!
  7. it's not really beginner friendly for events. However, I believe it's pretty easy to get the event outfit which includes of greninja, breloom and arcanine outfit. There's a tutorial guide on the event by Belzebel. Click here for the link.
  8. HAHA good one bro!
  9. no plans. I am working during new year.
  10. got it fixed. thanks for the advice! deeply appreciated!
  11. Dear Yasiralikhan786, We'd love to have you to be part of Rainfall since you love helping people! We gladly ACCEPT you into Rainfall! 2. Please join our discord so that we can better communicate on that platform! 3. Once again, thank you for joining Rainfall! Glad to see you again!
  12. thanks!
  13. what about now?
  14. any idea how to fix it? I i upload the image on imagur and use the link to put the image. Is that the right way?
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