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  1. I accidentally deleted my Charizard. Could you recover it please? Sorry for the trouble.
  2. I seem to have a problem with the time countdown. I completed first day task today 11 hours ago. When I went to check if next task will be in next 13 hours which should be the proper cooldown time, the second day quest has already started and said I had 23 hours left. It is very strange because this weird problem started 3 days ago when I was on my 5th day task. I always do it at the beginning of the 24 hour but npc said that I ran out of time and didn't get the reward and started from 1st day. I thought maybe if I wait one day to reset it would work properly again. I skipped 1 day and did it today and the problem still persists. Please look into this matter and thank you.
  3. Surprising how nobody is saying nothing now just because limit 'increased' to 20 bosses per week when maybe that is what the GMs intended to do from the very beginning? We still need to keep pushing for no limit instead of being happy with the small compromises because users would be falling into a trap of being played by. Remove all boss limit.
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