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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="Rawry"><s> </e></QUOTE> YO, welcome to blaze~</r>
  2. Somes

    Eevee Xmas

    Nop nop nop, this stuff din't happen in last 2 clone hunts , why should it happen now? and i can feel barney lul, players who got 1-2 they tried their best. It's kinda reward.
  3. There's 100's of similar posts like this meh. First, price of MS going up, i don't see it a problem not because i have more pokedollars for buyin them, but this is a mmo and like most of the other mmo's prices always rise up with the rising economy.. see urself for an example epic pvp pokes went for 1-2m way back, and now they reach near 20m lol. Economy is raising and you must adjust with the rising economy p.s this thing happens in real life too. No point of whining. ~Out.
  4. 1st, Saying "PRO IS DYING" duh that sounds pretty crap imo. PRO isn't dying infact its like 1400-1500+ people online each and every time , which is pretty better than other pokemon mmo's. Coins need to be untradable? lel? not every player donates to the game. For an example, if i need mounts or stuffs i'll contact to another guy who actually donates to the game and he could buy them for me. This is the only way PRO is gettin money for the servers. If coins or items become untradable then only handful of people will donate to game lol #lowdonations. That's never gonna happen, plus not everyone likes to battle/pvp, If you meant that. AYYYYY LOL? dude, Players paying $$ to game for getting coins is the only way pro is getting donations for server -.- If this stops then there will be no funds to manage server rofl. Ok sounds more like a battle tower, there is one in game iirc left side of olivine city. But it's unfunctional. Getting poke$? okay , getting coins? NOPE. 1st nope, 2nd won't happen ever. Thanks~
  5. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="Dohko"><s> </e></QUOTE> YO Dohko :'3 welcome to blaze~ you're more than welcome~<br/> <URL url="https://discord.gg/x9nr296">https://discord.gg/x9nr296</URL></r>
  6. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="Jingos"><s> </e></QUOTE> Welcome to blaze :D<br/> <URL url="https://discord.gg/x9nr296">https://discord.gg/x9nr296</URL><br/> come to the chat.</r>
  7. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r>bump <E>:Sing:</E></r>
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums :)
  9. Hi, and welcome to the forums :)
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums :)
  11. Re: {} List of Guild Registration {} <r><GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>Guild Name: Inferno BlaZe<br/> Guild Leader: Somes , Xellos15<br/> Thread Link: <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=539"><s></s>Inferno BlaZe<e></e></URL><br/> Server:<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW> Red</r>
  12. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="RigginD"><s> </e></QUOTE> Aye~ welcome to blaze :D<br/> come to our discord <URL url="https://discord.gg/x9nr296">https://discord.gg/x9nr296</URL></r>
  13. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="Lance028"><s> </e></QUOTE> Aye wc to blaze :p pleb</r>
  14. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <t>bawmp</t>
  15. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="rowls"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yow, welcome abord~</r>
  16. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <t>Welcome to the new new members :)</t>
  17. Re: ▲Inferno BlaZe▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="xellos15"><s> </e></QUOTE> yus~ <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  18. Nice suggestion :y: afaik ther's a similar feature in other mmo for getting ownership for Mewtwo at cerulean caves. I dun think it's priority for now, but yeh will be a good addition to guild systems :)
  19. Re: ▲Inferno BlaZe▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="NotAccountable"><s> </e></QUOTE> <URL url="https://discord.gg/x9nr296">https://discord.gg/x9nr296</URL><br/> come to th char pal :D , welcome to blaze~</r>
  20. Re: ▲Inferno BlaZe▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><QUOTE author="Crokstar"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks for applying man, we sure will have fun <E>:Angel:</E> Welcime to blaze!</r>
  21. #GEN3 Huehuehuehue
  22. Wait.. this matches our guild name :Ambivalent:
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