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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: User already logged in <r><QUOTE author="Denverviper"><s> </e></QUOTE> That sucks -_-<br/> Over 18 hours for me now</r>
  2. This singham guy is right :P Bull and tree learns rockslide from TM.. check out dept stores in goldenrod/celadon.. or gyms for them.
  3. try that somes its a good shot Did that 100 times.. still didn't work :confused:
  4. aww man its already 15+ hours and User already logged in :( .. crap! can't play :Frown:
  5. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <t>Took up Beast's request..<br/> Lf more request's</t>
  6. User already logged in <t>Been 4 and half hours now.. user logged in already >.<<br/> <br/> Tried running task manager and ending processes, restarting pc but nothin happened :(<br/> <br/> HALP ME!</t>
  7. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><QUOTE author="Beast53"><s> </e></QUOTE> I can't login atm.. better send me private msg here <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  8. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <t>bumpsy</t>
  9. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r>Settin up all again.. lf requests <E>:Shy:</E> <br/> charging too.. see deatils on main page<br/> 30k-50k<br/> <br/> Some new works: right side one is for sale<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Hrhjv6E.png"><s></e></IMG> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/FqZ5eDR.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  10. Here are his pokes. Kris use -LINK- not [image]..[/image]
  11. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Stradivari"><s> </e></QUOTE> Fill up the form.<br/> Read our Terms and Conditions.<br/> Visit xat.<br/> <br/> No one gets in on first day of applying.. just be active and try to visit xat.</r>
  12. Re: JustLegend's shop (all epic pokes) (updated) <r><QUOTE author="shiondelibra"><s> </e></QUOTE> See the upper post ... bo is 100k</r>
  13. lets see what i hunt in 10 hours :( since i'll be comin back from vacations on 26th :Cry: Im in.
  14. I believe this has been already suggested various times and they are working on it i guess. Refer these topics: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6572 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6359 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6352 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6137 and many other similar ones are there just vies the older pages on "Suggestion Forums" anyway again +1 to the idea :Grin: Thanks
  15. if ya don't know his name i'll start with offering 810k
  16. Hello there, Try image hosting services like imgur,tinypic https://imgur.com/ Ur images arn't visible. thanks
  17. Somes


    thanks a lot buddy =) Ur welcome m8 =D
  18. Somes


    Heya pal there are 5 ways: 1> Get a Shadow Tag poke - Litwick or evo's, Wynaut or evo's, GOthita or evo's 2> Sleep moves with 100% chance - Spore - parasect or evo's 3> Widely Used Mean Look - Umbreon or other pokes which can learn it 4> Arena Trap - idk if it works (optional) 5> Total luck - Great or Ultra Balls :Angel:
  19. Poke sold.. Close the topic :Angel:
  20. Avatar xD ok bo 100k lf more pm me~ Is that a yes (for the avatar)? :DDD yup xD Anyway.. 9 hours more till bestoffer wins.
  21. Avatar xD ok bo 100k lf more pm me~
  22. Bump! Aero remains~
  23. Vests are very rare items.. goomy has 5% chance iirc to hold it.
  24. Re: Tiny Shop & Stuff~ [EV Training] <r>Sold Growlithe~<br/> and Added:<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/lFjTAT7.gif"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Updated EV Training Charge.</r>
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