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  1. Hi, i just released an Event Gible from my boxes by mistake, i didn't realise i do that til i see my pc 1 hour later, didn't get the ID so i dont really know if you can help me with that. IGN: RipVanWinkle Server: Silver Thanks
  2. Hi, i accidentally evolved this mon when reached max lvl, i wanted to evolve into slowking can i ask for de-evolve this please? Player: Ripvanwinkle Server: Gold
  3. PM me on Gold Server
  4. Auction ended - Winner riyubas453, pm me ing as Bazerald
  5. C.O Upd // End time edited
  6. C.O Upd // 15min added
  7. C.O Updated // 15 minutes added
  8. Rules says i have to add 15min to auction if an offer is made wihin last 15minutes EDIT: 3. If the auction receives a bid during the last 15 minutes, the ending point is delayed to +15 minutes from that bid, until someone being the c.o. for 15minutes wins. This rule applies only in forum auctions.
  9. 15 min added to auction time
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