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Everything posted by Hossenfeffer204

  1. Hello, on the cinnibar island part of the walkthrough, on the second part with going upstairs, i believe your picture is too the ice cave in sea foam & not the staircase ? please get back to me .
  2. https://gyazo.com/4576d519de43d89d06ec5a718984bf29
  3. Well if you were in discord people are freezing for no reason, huge talks about it. and no i am not saying i am having a problem with 1100+ q's, But i have gone through 4 of them. because i am having issues of not getting past the Q. SO
  4. I think it needs to be restarted...
  5. I was playing normally everything was going good, i then froze going into happened to others so i closed my client. I then re opened and logged in, I waited in a Q through the 1000 people again, and it just finished doing it. It counted down and i got to 1,0. And it closed... and now i have to wait again and reload it all. Please somebody help, maybe my accounts frozen i am unsure.
  6. yeah im on my 4th, i had a buddy in my call who had it happen too aswell,
  7. I just havent had these issues ever at all , and i've been playing for a week ish . Its just inconvenient
  8. I just died to re Q again, and i am playing with other people who also q'd the same time as me. and My account did the same thing, i got to 1 and it closed... didnt log me in. But the people im in a chat with - they got in...
  9. why is that happening?
  10. PRO Username: Hossenfeffer204 Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I actually froze in a pokecentre so i closed the game and reloaded, i waited a full queue of 1000 ish people, it finally counted down to 3,2,1 and once it hit one and then the quene screen dissappeared and i am still waiting to join. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Once it did the disappear counter the first time i knew it didnt connect me so i hit login again, the Queue timer is now up again... and i have a rewait time.. Description and Message I find this very very disappointing for i've now sat and waited for about 2 two hours, i have waited through two q timers. And the game hasn't let me in. I am unsure if my account is broken for its just been letting me count down and not putting me in. I believe that is this a problem and needs to be looked into. I really dont mind the Q but when i need to actually click it twice and sit through two .. that is kinda a little much.
  11. Hey you all, i have a level 26 Shiney Pigeotto , looking to sell it for about 300k or best offer. :thanks:
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