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Everything posted by Catbeard

  1. Hello, I will be starting an auction for 3 pokemon. All auctions will end 48 hours from starting bid or once the insta is met. #1 Infernape - S.O 2m - Insta 4m #2 Altaria - S.O 750k - Insta 2m #3 Lapras - S.O 700k - Insta 1.8m width=336pxhttps://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?attachments/screen-shot-2020-03-06-at-7-43-58-pm-png.130441/&hash=1c347ece7803d2bd1b7038542c2acb8c[/img] Thank you everyone and good luck!
  2. Heliolisk found. Updated
  3. Hi, Currently looking for godly weather pokes. High Priority: Godly Bold/ Relaxed Torkoal, Naive/rash ha venusaur (hp fire not needed) and timid ha charizard Feel free to post any weather pokes, I may be interested.
  4. Catbeard

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    What's your Player name (IGN)? Catbeard 2. Number of hours played? 510 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Leafeon
  5. I insta
  6. 5m leafeon
  7. 3.5m leafeon
  8. 3m leafeon
  9. Bump
  10. Updated
  11. Mamoswine found, updated
  12. Okay I will get in touch tomorrow when you are on!
  13. Avalugg found, bump
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