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Everything posted by Catbeard

  1. Hi, Looking for epic/godly: 27+speed/atk, 20+ rest jolly ha alolan sandshrew 31 speed/31 atk 20+ rest jolly weaville skill link shellder hp fire amaura Leave pics with the price here, PM in game, or leave a message on discord, Catbeard#2868. Thanks!
  2. 500k
  3. Price on naughty cloyster? Hitmontop as well
  4. Wish I knew there was an insta. Ty for auction.
  5. In-Game Name: Catbeard Discord Tag: Catbeard#2868 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Everyday What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Beginner channel would be nice
  6. Is there a starting price?
  7. Sorry I was unavailable yesterday, I am on now
  8. I am online for the next little bit if you are
  9. I'll buy doublade.
  10. In-game name: Catbeard Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 12996280 Hi, need my gligar deleveled to 99, thank you!
  11. 550
  12. 450
  13. Hi, interested in the swampert! Is there a current offer?
  14. Hi. looking for 30-31atk/26+speed/20+rest preferably. Message me in game or here. Thank you
  15. What nature were you looking for?
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