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Everything posted by Cazon511

  1. 2.2m Discord: IceBerryCoffee IGN: cazon511
  2. 1m Discord: IceBerryCoffee IGN: cazon511
  3. 800k Discord: IceBerryCoffee IGN: cazon511
  4. 90k solar 110k dry skin Discord: IceBerryCoffee IGN: cazon511
  5. I apologize didn't saw the timestamp earlier. you won @Blackmoonn
  6. +15mins rule Discord: IceberryCoffee IGN: cazon511 Visit my shop : ICEBERRYCOFFEE'S SHOP
  7. I apologize but I won't be able to transfer on the silver server just yet. Therefore I cannot accept the current offer.
  8. 24hrs left Discord: IceberryCoffee IGN: cazon511 Visit my shop : ICEBERRYCOFFEE'S SHOP
  9. [PVPABLE HALLOWEEN MEGA BLASTOISE] CURRENT OFFER: 2.6m by Blackmoonn AUCTION TIMER: https://countingdownto.com/?c=5943228 PLEASE DO TAKE NOTES BEFORE BIDDING If you are bidding from silver server, PLEASE let me know and kindly message me, if you already transferred or still transferring from the gold server upon winning the auction. Additional 15mins rule apply after the auction timer ends. START OFFER: 1.5m MINIMUM BID: 100k NO INSTA The auction will end in 72hrs after the first bid started Discord: IceberryCoffee IGN: cazon511 Visit my shop : ICEBERRYCOFFEE'S SHOP
  10. +15mins left (15mins rule apply for Garchomp) Discord: IceBerryCoffee IGN: cazon511
  11. Congrats @Minhdien you won the garchomp lemme know when you're up
  12. +15mins left (15mins rule apply for Garchomp) Discord: IceBerryCoffee IGN: cazon511
  13. +15mins left (15mins rule apply for cofa) Discord: IceBerryCoffee IGN: cazon511
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