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About Imsocheezy

  • Birthday March 23

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  1. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Recruiting! <t>1. What is your IGN? -- ImSoCheezy<br/> 2. How many hours of game play do you have? -- 105<br/> 3. Why do you want to join? -- Playing solo gets boring, might as well join a guild.<br/> 4. Do you use Discord? Yes.<br/> 5. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list? Victini</t>
  2. I just picked mudkip trashed it cause bad Ivs and solo'd the gyms with a taillow lol
  3. ~What's you in game name? -- ImSoCheezy ~How old are you? -- 18 ~How many hours played do you have? -- 102 Played at blue server release, stopped playing for awhile until Hoenn came out ~How many hours a day do you play? -- 5+ ~Do you know what Ivs & Evs are? -- Yes ~Do you think you have general knowledge of PRO? -- Yes ~Have you played any other pokemon MMO games before? (Please DON'T mention names) -- Yes ~If you have any ability that can help us inside of the clan please let us know. -- Some competitive PvP knowledge
  4. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ARNIE !!] <r>The Pumpkin King gave me a level 20 lotad, <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/HWSfGVt.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  5. 20 Hours, used my starter venusaur to solo all 8 gyms then leveled a golduck/scizor to around 80 to beat elite 4/champion
  6. I beat Giovanni's mewtwo in a similar way since I only leveled bulbasaur and it's god awful against psychic/steel just leech seeded and stalled with 5 sturdy geodudes... rip challenge
  7. Why are you thinking about catching a rock type when you have the option of training 3 water type pokemon... And since your magnezone doesn't do anything for this fight anyway just replace it with a level 15 magnamite/sturdy/thunder wave
  8. No sturdy rip.... Just go catch a magnemite with sturdy and sacrafice him
  9. I solo'd Blaine with just a Venusaur around level 75, instead of trying to buff your speed why not use that Magnazone to thunder wave and paralyze him... status conditions do exist you know
  10. Closed
  11. Re: Celdadon Daily Quest Guide <t>90 IV Caterpie Received 2 pearls</t>
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