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Everything posted by Deidara8

  1. Re: Few pokes for sale <t>3k for all of them? or am I offering too much?</t>
  2. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Park"><s> </e></QUOTE> There is an application form on the first page of this guild thread. Answer the required questions here and go to xat.com/pro_blaze in order for us to get to know you better. <br/> Thanks</r>
  3. Shop Updated. Looking for: Murkrow/Starly/Tailow/Gastly + I am a shiny collector. However, I am not interested in Shiny Commons. Unless they have good-looking stats. :)
  4. How about labelling someone as fake bidder + saying tht i know how much money the person has? ^Does that get you a 30 day ban?
  5. During Christmas events, some ice pokemons tend to become common and such.. or less rare.. so yeah HAHA idk just my guess. Ah, well alright, thanks for taking your time
  6. Wargreymon, you should join this guild
  7. -Starly, Tailow and Murkrow have to be Adament. (20+ ivs) -Woobat has to be Modest (20+ ivs) Thanks
  8. Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Incomplete, Work in Process as Game Progresses) <r><GLOW glow="green"><s>[glow=green]</s>Stats of Machop and Nidorino?<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  9. 950k for that cutie ^.^ [glow=green]That's a pretty sweet deal. Although, I am not sure whether I would offer for it due to the fact that Christmas is near.. Could you post stats of Magikarp, Growlithe and Gastly? Thanks![/glow]
  10. [glow=green]How much did it cost you to buy Snorunt?[/glow]
  11. No problem. Here are the details of the trade we did: [October 3, 2015] Leiru's pokedollars for my coins. I gained access to his account and bought coins for him. Again, despite the fact that I had his password on my mind, he did not get scammed and the outcome of the trade was good. :)
  12. Hey people (directed to people who traded with me before) Keep up the reviews about our trade experience please :3 Thanks <3 #SuHuFTW
  13. Good luck with your guild Herrera. I, myself, am a Die-Hard Manchester United fan.. But I'm in Inferno Blaze already.. :3
  14. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey there ain't any approval for getting in.<br/> Just visit xat and chat.<e> </e></QUOTE> <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Link the dude to the xat, moron ;)<br/> Hey Kiell, xat.com/pro_blaze is where you might wanna go to :)<br/> thanks<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  15. [glow=red]I bid 20k on your third magikarp + BO on snorlax?[/glow]
  16. Re: Suhuzen & RedMy007's PokeMart <r><QUOTE author="Icey"><s> </e></QUOTE> <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>I've had offers based on Pokemons, so I dont know the price range for it yet.<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  17. Re: Suhuzen & RedMy007's PokeMart <r><QUOTE author="Icey"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sold. sorry. :(<br/> -- Shop is updated</r>
  18. [glow=red]What is the BO on your Growlithe?[/glow]
  19. Deidara8


    ^this noob said the exact words right out of my mouth
  20. Re: Silver's Shop <r><GLOW glow="green"><s>[glow=green]</s></GLOW><CENTER><s> </s><GLOW glow="green"><B><s></s>hey loser you suck<br/> boo ~<br/> booo~~<br/> boooo~~~<br/> booooo~~~~<br/> (Am I in your blacklist now?)<br/> On a side note, I bid 550,000 pokedollars on your Abra.<e></e></B></GLOW><e> </e></CENTER><i>[/glow]</i></r>
  21. Re: Suhuzen & RedMy007's PokeMart <r><QUOTE author="nuttenam"><s> </e></QUOTE> johto</r>
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