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Posts posted by Pandattack



    Smartest: Samumu

    Friendliest: Pikachu85

    Funniest: Godzer

    Coolest: DresseurMoMo

    Comeback Player of the Year: Reckoning66

    Most Talkative: RikLLe77

    Most Trustworthy: lenteurman

    Most Helpful: Rharomy

    Most Missed: Swghot

    Most Influential: Liyaine

    Most Intriguing: Ic3thirst

    Most Experienced Player: Silverhn

    Best/Funniest Username: DragonDark


    Most Professional Guide Maker: Neroli

    Most Professional Discord Moderator: Turles




    Best Mapper: Tempa

    Best Artist: Yumetsuki (the sempai <3)

    Best Content Scripter: Frutch

    Best Community Coordinator: Nezuko

    Best Moderator: Senrosia

    Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous

    Best Tester: Tangrowth

    Best Game Master: Epiales

    Best Admin: Red (hes alone ! cheater ! :c)

    Best Developer: Eaty


    Best Staff Username: chariot (SILVER CHARIOT !!)

    Most Professional Staff: Eaty

    Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty

    Funniest Staff: Candace

    Friendliest Staff: Noellezor


    Most Honorable Former Staff: Shamac

    Most Missed Former Staff: Neroli

  2. In-Game Name: Pandattack

    Discord Tag: Pandattack#4129

    Server: Silver

    How often do you use Discord? sometime !

    What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? : maybe more spolight on the "own-art" section > we have really talented ppl on the discord (KC, Kuro and todd are bae <3) its sad no one know :c

  3. it will be hard to choose this year :c many ppl did nice things so... lets start !




    Smartest: Lenteurman (smarter with smartest ot shiny :c)

    Friendliest: Reckoning66:RowletHeart:

    Funniest: Samumu (when he said he'll get the first xmas axew HAHAHAHA)

    Coolest: Ekusoy (now ive mentioned you as coolest gimme a shiny)

    Comeback Player of the Year: N/A

    Most Talkative: x000x000x (he talk a bit too much ...)

    Most Trustworthy: N/A i can trust all my guildmates :c sorry i cant choose one or i choose the whole frenchsquad team !

    Most Helpful: Jeisson5 (he help me a lot for pokemon price and things when i came back thanks to him :p)

    Most Missed: Karamboo (we miss you man :c)

    Most Influential: Liyaine (dont worry to ask him for anything in PM !)

    Most Intriguing: Pikachu85 (i need to put him somewhere ! i choose this xD)

    Most Experienced Player: Rharomy (this man got almost all the gen1 and gen2 shiny xD and hes alway ingame xD

    Best/Funniest Username: Gerardmenvuca (best username ever in french)


    Most Professional Guide Maker: Prehax know this game very well he deserve it

    Most Professional Discord Moderator: ShinyCelebi (im not often on the discord but hes not burn/crash/explode or something with this tone of troll or impatient ppl i think we can vote for every discord moderator for that !)




    Best Mapper: Sprinkz (everyone do a nice job :c hard to choose)

    Best Artist: Aeolus (he did a fantastic job and tone of work for his first event at artist !)


    Best Community Coordinator: Shaui (you stand when the server was done before halloween release on discord like a hero xD !)

    Best Moderator: Waren the best ! (dont forgot to PM him if you have any question o/)

    Best Trade Moderator: Logan :3 but with all this troll i think we can mention everyone, trade moderator is not the most simple job i think xD

    Best Game Master: Letrix (and i choose him as art too :c yveltal his dope !)

    Best Admin: Nikola (he help a lot with everything :c)


    Best Staff Username: Fluffles .. idk why i love it its ... fluffy :c

    Most Professional Staff: Eaty

    Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty same :c he did so many good things :RowletHeart:

    Funniest Staff: Letrix ! (le grand maître du francais)

    Friendliest Staff: Shaui (always here and kind ! :c)


    Most Honorable Former Staff: Calahan for the win o/

    Most Missed Former Staff : 9oomy (she learn me everything about art/pixelart on PRO and get me on the team so ! in and "hommage" in french !)


    i'd like to thanks all the PRO staff :p

    You did an amazing job (and are volunteer for that !!)

    Bless you :RowletHeart:

    • Like 2
  4. Great work dude! Why tablet, though? you get pressure sensitivity + the ease of drawing more naturally with a pen shaped tool instead of a tool that requires you to create thicker/thin lines with preset sized brushes. Plus, working with a mouse generally takes longer and doesn't produce results as well as with a tablet unless you have plenty of experience with a mouse. Not to mention, you become more prone to hand cramping and issues since you over work the muscles and tendons in your hand when you grip the mouse to draw with it xD


    These are just my thoughts though! I'd love to see what a tablet would produce for you :3


    I already have a table i just try something different just for the challenge !

    dont worry about it ^^


    thx anyway <3 (and sorry for loooooong time no respond xD)

  5. [glow=red]Tout d'abord : Bonne fête de noël a tous ! [/glow]




    Pour fêter cela tous ensembles je vous propose un très gros event , original et tout nouveau !




    Je vous présente donc :




    [glow=red]\LE CONSEIL DES 4 /[/glow]








    L'objectif de cet event est assez simple : trouvez et battez les 4 membres du conseil

    ceux-ci seront cacher sur l'ensemble des Map de Kanto et johto :

    Des indices vous serrons donner tout au long de la soirée sur la localisation de ses maîtres d'arène ! Chaque fois que vous battez un maître celui-ci vous donnera un indice sur la localisation du prochain et ainsi de suite.


    Bien sur un certain nombre de règles sont a établir pour corser le jeu :)




    Pour les maîtres de ligue :


    [glow=red]*[/glow]- interdiction de switch


    [glow=red]*[/glow]- Pas plus de +2 de boost (exemple danse lame > +2 atk)


    Ceci-dit il se défendrons tout de même ne les prenez pas a la légère !


    Pour les participants :


    [glow=red]*[/glow]- Interdiction aux stall : les pokémon suivants sont interdits : (Leveinard/lephorie/ les pokémon régénérator comme slowbro ou tangrowth/ferrothorn/Melodelfe/Noctalie/Porygon2... bref tout le stall infect a base de toxic regen :) ) Bien évidement les team a base de fear (full ratata) sont interdites.


    [glow=red]*[/glow]- Même restriction pour les Boost (pas plus de +2 dans chaque stat)


    [glow=red]*[/glow]- Une team lvl 100 + un acces a complet a jotho et kanto


    [glow=red]*[/glow]- interdiction d'utiliser bateau ou métro (et oui il faudra marcher les loulou !)


    Ces règles sont la pour assurer un minimum de compétitivité et de challenge !!


    si vous perdez face a un maître pas d'inquiétude vous n'aurez qu'un malus de 30secondes avant de pouvoir le réafronter !

    Une fois face au champion lancez le combat (premier arrivé premier servis !)




    Ainsi je vous invite a vous inscrire et inscrire la team que vous jouerez dans ce topic !

    Vous seront demander de tout petit frais de participation de 20k (c'est quand même peu avouez le !) mais ne vous inquiétez pas ceux-ci seront intégralement redonner au gagnant !

    Bien sur les récompenses sont a la hauteur ! un des plus gros event en terme de don !! :


    1ere place : Farfetch xmas + un shiny au choix (phanpi/pikachu/ponyta) + 2cc + les gains totaux de frais de participation !

    2eme place : un des shinys non choisis + mankey pink + 50k + 1 cc

    3eme place : Le shiny restant + 50k

    4eme place : un caterpie rose !



    [glow=red]La date de cet event : le 27 décembre ! (vous avez donc une semaine a partir de de ce post pour vous inscrire et faire votre équipe !)[/glow]





    En esperant vous voir nombreux !


    La Team french squad !



    Smartest: bobylone

    Friendliest: Reckoning66

    Funniest: Samumu

    Coolest: Liyaine

    Comeback Player of the Year: karamboo

    Most Talkative: Jannythegreat

    Most Trustworthy: popinsmoke

    Most Helpful: Asuna83

    Most Missed: fatmanclt (rip)

    Most Influential: cowtipingmafia

    Most Intriguing: Pikachu85




    Best GM: Mapplle <3

    Best CC: Calahan :3

    Best MOD: Letrix (woof)

    Best CS: Artoriel (thx for the xmas quest <3)

    Best Artist: Yuifelwood (you rock <3)

    Best Mapper: Tiggus (french rpz !)


    Most Professional Staff: Shamac ! (the dad !)

    Most Friendly Staff: Neroli :3

    Most Dedicated Staff: Sugar :3

    Most Honorable Former Staff: Mieon sensei <3

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