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Everything posted by Tynsu

  1. Can I buy the naive froakie? It has 2 prices btw.
  2. I will start the bid
  3. I was hunting with torkoal and it got poisioned. The bug is that sometimes I fail to run and not take any toxic damage at all. But once I use a move on a pokemon my torkoal took an insane amount of damage.
  4. How old are you and where are you from? I'm 16 years old from United States Why would you like to join Trinity? To mainly pvp and get advice on team building. What is the highest rating you've ever got? 123 rating but atm it is 120 How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now? 753 hours and I play around 3 hours per day What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? A good guildmate :D Add a picture of your trainer card in the application. What is your Discord ID? HeheXD#0639
  5. Ign: Tynsu I have currently have 120 rating
  6. Ign: Tynsu Server: Silver Delevel to 99 please Delevel to 98 please I never thought it would be at max xp sorry. I still need to train its happiness Sorry when it was deleved to lvl 98 I battled a pokemon which made it lvl up to lvl 100 automatically. I was unable to get the happiness high enough. Now I increased it to max happiness can I get it deleved to level 99. Thank you.
  7. 350k start
  8. User: Tynsu Server: Silver Country/ Timzone: United States GMT -4
  9. Tynsu

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Tynsu 2. Number of hours played? 468 hours, 42 minutes 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Charizard 4. How old are you? (Optional) 16
  10. Can you deevolve it please I was even training and it kept popping up if you want to evolve it and then I accidently clicked yes
  11. Accidently related my ferrothorn
  12. In game name: tynsu Discord tag: TYNSU#2770 server: Silver How often do you use discord?: I use a lot What is one suggestion you have for pro discord? The discord is good spend more time on fixing silver server please
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