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Posts posted by 2hucatcher

  1. Oh, I think I've heard of that comic before to be honest. I might read it sometime :Smile: I'm sorry that you got banned for your username. I feel as though there should be a list of names that cannot be used somewhere so people of other languages can understand what is a wrong name. I've seen the full list of people who got banned and a lot of the usernames I personally didn't understand until I looked them up. I hope that you'll get a chance to play the game again soon.

  2. It isn't as easy as it sounds. For example in picture one the houses are not facing the right way as the game is in 3d. Most of the map right now is a direct rip from the game and it will be too much effort to manually get the house sprite And plan it all out. Sure it is not impossible to do it but right now they have not release the regions before the 6th generation so chill :Shy: it will soon come.
    I'm chill :Shy: Really, I was just curious how Kalos is harder to make than Orange Archipelago, but idk I guess maybe there's more creative freedom with Orange Archipelago. I'm real excited for Hoenn though, it's my favorite region and to visit 3 regions plus Sevii in one game is already amazing.
  3. This game will be a really big game, if they add all the regions they want. I dont know what gyms and or pokemon they will add to the other regions besides the main ones.
    I was wondering that too, if they are going to make them have 8 gyms, have it like Orange Archepelago and only have 4, or not even have gyms for the regions that don't have them. Orre does have colloseums and stadiums, so those could either be made into gyms or have them be something different from gyms like the battle frontier.


    The Pokemon I can imagine easier because there are Pokemon you can obtain from all those games that you could say are the Pokemon catchable in those areas. The starters could be like this:


    Orre - Eevee

    Fiore - Plusle or Minun

    Almia - There are 17 Pokemon to choose from in this game, so maybe the list of these would be narrowed down, or you choose 1 from the 17

    Oblivia - Pichu


    I'm not sure about Orange Archipelago since there are no said starters for that region, but I do wonder (and doubt) if there would be those alternate colored Pokemon that appear in that region. The game does have custom sprites, so pink Pokemon may be possible, but I guess that it might mess with the economy of the trades somehow.

  4. maybe when the game is out of beta stage, they might start working on Kalos, who knows... but I understand their argument, adding a new region must be a lot of work traslating from 3d to 2d, even the pokemons from 6th gen might be hard to translate to 2d...


    oh well, there is always that chance that in the future they decided to put all their effort to add Kalos (and maybe the new region from Sun/Moon) to the game, and that would be absolutely amazing :Grin:

    the game has a lot of potential, but now we should only be patient and wait :)

    There are planning to put all 6th generation Pokemon in this game, and a lot of them are already obtainable. It's a lot easier to make 2d Pokemon 6th gen sprites because you can just take an official picture of that Pokemon, shrink it, and then put pixels over it to match the rest of the Pokemon. My argument was that there are already 2d perspective pictures of most of the region that they can reference. Examples:



    So, to me, Kalos is easier to make than Orange Archepelago and Orre because they don't have images like this to reference. But idk, I'm satisfied with the amount of regions already and I'm impressed that they want to make so many as it is.

  5. You should really look at the mapping thread in the staff recruitment section for more information about mapping PRO style /viewtopic.php?t=473 I've been wanting to map something too so you're not alone on that. The tileset is very limited (no Pokémon Center or PokéMart for example), so you may need to create your own version of that if you want to incorporate it into your map.

  6. If you look at the full map of PRO, there is Sinnoh on the map as well as Unova, Orange Archepelago, Orre, Fiore, Almia, and Oblivia. These are the regions they are wanting to put into the game in the future.


    The creators said they would not put Kalos or anything afterwards mainly because it's hard to translate the 3d towns into 2d. Kinda weird to me imo since there are official 2d perspective pictures of the towns and routes of Kalos but I guess the only challenges they want to do right now are Orange Archepelago and Orre since I imagine they would be harder to do.

  7. The map in the game is more of what the creators are planning to put in the game rather than it actually being in the game. They are going to add Hoenn too by the way, and you can notice that there are some other regions on the map that aren't in the main games; those are the Pokemon Colloseum/XD region Orre, the Pokemon Ranger series Fiore, Almia and Oblivia, and the anime's Orange Archepelago.


    They will not have any region Kalos+ because they said that it is too hard to translate from 3d back to 2d. Made me kinda confused hearing about it considering there are official 2d pictures of the towns and routes of Kalos and they are planning Orre and Orange Archepelago which have the same issue of being hard to translate, but I guess they figured those regions are enough of a challenge on their own. There would be so many regions already anyways.

  8. I personally don't think there should be a shift option in this game. Leaving everyone with all the battles in set mode is better because it makes the game more like batting in PvP since it is always in set mode and gives the player a way to practice for it. It would also be kind of odd imo if one person was playing shift the entire game and the other is playing set since we're all playing the same game at the same time.

  9. 116663 I hope it's up sometime today. Staff hasn't mentioned anything about the server or Hoenn in a while, so i'm getting kinda worried...
    Some of the more recent things from the staff are mentioned on their twitter
    The server release seems to be pretty close, so don't worry too much about it. I'm sure that after the Blue Server is released, a bit after that will be Hoenn, and that'll be really fun :Smile:
  10. i see, i never tried to block evolutions on my official game so i didnt know, :thanks: for the info :Grin:
    You're welcome, happy to help :Shy: Outside of this game, people like to not evolve Pokemon solely for the purpose of gaining the moves that they want faster, so it is something to consider too.
  11. 116473 isn't a evolution a one time only choice ? i dont know if you can use a stone afterwards for it to happen but if not its only once right?
    Your Pokemon will try to evolve as long as it is at or over the level that it is supposed to evolve. It will stop trying to evolve at level 100 since you can't level it any higher. This is what the everstone is for, so you don't have to constantly deny evolution.
  12. 116340 Guess this is the rise of the newbies (Me included lol)
    Well you know, lately this game has been played by more popular YouTubers and having a lot of good things said about it on the internet, that it is gaining a bigger audience. That's why the staff is putting in a new server, and now that people can register for this game again there is going to be a lot more newer people :Crazy:
  13. 115967 What happen with the android version??
    I guess people are confusing this with the general support threads somehow... I don't think they updated the android version yet, so you have to wait.

    I've used Budew before to take down Brock. :)


    Since you mentioned it... something else that will be really helpful is the move list in the in-game Pokedex. Not all of the Pokemon are up-to-date on their move sets (ORAS), but updating this is a goal in the future.

    Yeah, I saw that the Pokedex in this game actually comes with the movepool, so that's awesome :Heart-eyes: I think from what I've seen so far, they're doing a good job keeping the game modern while having that 3rd/4th gen look, so anything that comes in the future to improve on that I'm looking forward to :Grin:
  14. Welcome to PRO, 2huCatcher!


    I love seeing new players embrace the community and introduce themselves before actually starting their adventure. If you have some time, take a look at the Guide section of the forums (specifically one of the spawn guides) to get a feel for some of the Pokemon that are available early on -- you'll notice it's slightly different from the handheld versions.


    Best of luck!

    Thank you! Yeah, one of the first things that caught my eye was the fact that you can catch a Budew in the Viridian Forest. I'm hoping that it'll be helpful when beating Brock, but I don't know if it can learn a grass move early in this game haha. It's cool that this game gives you the National dex at the start of the game.

  15. Hello there. I'm a new person to this game who just registered today even though I knew about this game last week. I saw a video on YouTube that showed the highlights of this game and saw that it had original graphics and didn't need a ROM to use unlike PokéMMO. I noticed that it also had the Orange Archipelago along with some other fan-created areas, and I never played someone else's interpretation of that mini-region (though I do know of Pokémon Naranja) so it'll be a good surprise for me I bet. I'll be waiting for the Blue Server before I start playing the game, so for now I guess I'll try to find what else this game has to offer. :Grin:

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