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  1. And those that talk about economy. Isnt this how the ecnomy been working like forever in pro? By this i mean the playerbase. There is a disporpotion btw pve and pvp player where there is way more players interesting in pve then pvp. By design every1 can pve and strike gold with pure rng which remove the skill level here to make money. Along that pve players are the sellers. With that i mean "buyers" in this game are either pvp players or collectors. The collector group of people are alrdy rich hence they can "collect" and they are not rly relevant in this discusion anyway so lets talk about pvp players. Pvp is the LITERAL deffining factor in this games economy. While the collector group have a stake in pokemon prices this games economy is mainly driven by the wants and needs of pvp players. So more often then not pvp players are the one who gives money to all the pve farmers when they buy pokemon. Now this means there is a huge money movement from the pvp players direcly to the pve players and this flow of money is very very one sided. This means that there is a constant stream of money pvp players are supplying the pve players (which ofc motivate the pve group to keep farming). By design this money flow is not sustainable if the pvp players somehow dont get the reason or motivation too keep the money which also mean the whole economy flowing. What is that reason/motivaion? Well LADDER is a big part of that reason. So yeah people here who talk about how unfair and yada yada pvp ruins the ecnonomy. PVP players, escpecially old school pvp players who are the literal reason u pve players have a big bank acount, those are the real suppliers, which make u wonder who are the "real farmers" in this case. All these new direction of limiting pvp players influence on the economy mindset is very misguided in my opinion where if you kill the pvp players money maker you literly kill a majority of the games economy (maybe i overexaggerate, or maybe not). If you look at the toplist of bill gates in pro you see way more pve names then pvp names. So to sum this up. Put some respect to all ladder players, especially old school ladder players that can keep repeat their name there. They are one of the OG driving factors in this economy and this new movement of driving them away is very disrespectful imo. And before you rebutal of "these pvp players can also farm and pve their own mon!!!" ... Well if they do and farm their own mons then why would they buy pokes from you? If they stop buying mons from pve suppliers what do you think will happen to the economy? who will give you 500k for a azumarill? Now your jobless and cant put food on the table for your own family
  2. Or ya know. Instead of talking about how to lower the bar by limiting existing competitor which just make pvp weaker imo. Strive to overcome these old boomers that repeating with old and outdated teams. We are all new buds once in the time(even those old boomers) believe it or not and have to outgrow the older trees and knock them out of the garden. Right now i hear a lot about how to take the shortcut by cutting down these trees instead of you know, get better then them and actually earn a spot in the garden by yourself. I do like suggestion 2 tho where we simply merge the server into 1 superserver and let the best all compete in 1 single ladder, then we truly see who are the toughest among real competition. To sum it up. Tougher competition will naturally grow the competitive skill level while lowering the bars make every1 worse. Talking about preventing existing good players to play by either literly restricting them or take away their rewards will simply make the future of pvp weaker. If you want to get ladder isnt it beter you earn it by knocking those old washed up players down, or do u want the pity price where u only get the empty throne by name cause no1 else bothers?
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