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Everything posted by Alice69anna

  1. the nature of yamask is wrong i think
  2. nice info friend :y:
  3. some other day people complaint confuse ray always last 4 turn, guest what? as it said [glow=red]confuse has 1-4 turn[/glow], just accept it. either you or your opponent is lucky, that how it work :Nervous: i think confuse ray now is better :Grin:
  4. nice update :thanks:
  5. that good bonuses, free exp boost :D i still see some player without guild, with this they might join a guild soon
  6. you can change mammoth to donphan, it also can learn stealth rock
  7. weavile, toge, and chandel weak to stealth rock, maybe you need a rapid spinner or defogger(starmie, donphan, tentacruel, or scizor)
  8. use you riolu to random fight, i will evo
  9. there 6 berry tree inside viridian maze, try to explore it, also you can got some from headbutting tree
  10. yes total Ev is 510, and each stat max ev is 252
  11. Source: Bulbapedia [offtopic]In all generations except Generation I, freeze has a chance to be cured on its own on the frozen Pokémon's turn; it has a 10% chance in Generation II, and 20% chance in all subsequent generations.[/offtopic]
  12. even cute charm work, it wont sell good. people looking for magic guard and unaware
  13. you dont need rock smash, just click the rock in cave there also guide for it if you looking on forum try this
  14. they got banned
  15. its got wrong ability, the one with magic guard/unaware is better
  16. got the same problem, just lost 100+ point :Cry: but its fine, still got good thorchik
  17. as long as he/she not got reported, better keep it who might know they will back
  18. Blue server seem more quieter for now, i hove we got new better player :Grin:
  19. you are welcome :Cool:
  20. Looks like I have the same problem Can you tell me how you found the way? go to the summit. there a cave most bottom left lead to the summit at F4
  21. never mind, just fund the way :kiss:
  22. -I go doing quest asked by mayor ahok, then i check team magma on mt. vulcan and decide to help them. -then i proceed to kalijodo cave and beat team aqua leader. -then i go outside the cave but stopped by team magma who tell me to find 8 stone. -after founding 8 of them, team magma at entrance of cave told me to go to mt vulcan to meet their leader. -proceed to top(F4) mt fulcan, but i meet team aqua leader who told me to place mystic stone inside [glow=red]shiny blue stone[/glow]? -finish putting mystic stone, i proceed go outside then stopped by team aqua who told me go to kalijodo cave to meet their leader -go to kalijodo cave but cant find him can some one help me :confused:
  23. 32bit client www4.zippyshare.com/v/941fF9Rg/file.html 64bit client https://www27.zippyshare.com/v/pDvXdUG6/file.html
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