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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. contacts ing : tubzz discord : rambo5850
  2. wtb good frillish/jellicent and good adamant sand rush drilbur/excadrill
  3. Thanks a lot. I mostly included pvp pokemons so there is a lot missing to answer your initial question i think route 120 in hoenn is an excellent place to farm pokemons and earn some money. based on the time of the day u will only encounter nidoran (needs to be h.a) in grass and mantine in water
  4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQmYwqqxl_3qSjcgfBZZwu-s7QWy3-XgSEBIESslIQq50ifHGhpKTXDlPwyJNXJ3A/pubhtml i made this doc to classify mons based on their locations, abilities, spawns and so on
  5. becos i like to hunt i tried to have a methodical approach and made this list to classify most pvp pokes for their abilities, spawns and etc https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQmYwqqxl_3qSjcgfBZZwu-s7QWy3-XgSEBIESslIQq50ifHGhpKTXDlPwyJNXJ3A/pubhtml i sure have forgotten a lot of pokes so if u think something is worth being in the list let me know. let me know if u find this useful and good luck hunting
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