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Everything posted by Rapha8466

  1. 120k mimi
  2. Hi, My IGN is Rapha8466 I've played 643h in silver server and 4 in gold one My favourite poke is porygon z I come from France And I am 21 yo. Thanks
  3. Thank you very much, It worked. Have a nice day too.
  4. Hey everyone, Does someone know which poke is required to travel over seas on the north of Shamouti Island ? Thanks in advance for your help
  5. Hi everybody, After have beaten the Sinnoh elite 4, we must find 2 shinnies objects fallen in the Wayward Cave and in the Eterna Forest, but we don't have more explanations about that, so, someone can help me to find these objects ? We need some requirements to do this quest ? Thank you
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