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  1. I whould like to buy the alola ninetales for 500k
  2. 900k F2
  3. 700k f2
  4. F2 500k
  5. What's your IGN? Akayagi9 Please post a picture of your trainer card! What is your discord ID? Akai yagi#9731 How far are you in story? i copleted every region How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) I play pro every day. Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? I enjoy both. Have you ever been banned in game and why? No i never had an real ban befor, once i got banned for 3 min (reason unknown) Why do you want to join Calamity guild? I was watching your boss battle videos. So after i saw you ingame and noticed that you have an own guilde on the gold server i was intrested to join your guild.
  6. I whould like to buy the mantine (650k) My discord: Akai yagi #9731
  7. Auction Bulbasaur. Starting offer: 800k / Insta: 6m Duration: 24h ( Start after first bid ) Current offer: (Min rais: 100k) Accepting Payments: CC =400k Nature Reroll= 350k IV Reroll=750k Pokedollar
  8. Contact Infos: Untrained Gible's PVP Trained Other Sold
  9. I would buy the torkoal
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