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B0t last won the day on February 12 2022

B0t had the most liked content!


About B0t

  • Birthday 04/24/2000

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Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. Username: B0t Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Philippines, GMT+8
  2. let me know in discord: icefroqe or in twitter if i didnt respond https://twitter.com/KiznaiverDesu
  3. i sell only for you at 50 to the 5th power
  4. winning bid 2.2m by Shiningshade, let me know when u free for transaction, dm me here or in discord : icefroqe , ty!
  5. AUCTION! - only one auction, if you win u will get both start = 1k minimum bid = 1k accept coin capsules (400k) and pokedollars will end 24 hrs after the auction has started
  6. How hyped are you for Halloween? - The most hyped that I'll be this year when playing PRO Which Halloween forms do you like the most? Which forms are you looking forward to hunt during Halloween? - Pawniard and the rest of Shadow Army forms Do you think it's good that there are so many new forms this year? - yes lots of choices what to hunt Should we add less next time? If so, how many forms per event do you think would be reasonable? -only make it less if the forms are not that hype, and make it more if its like this upcoming Halloween event which r soo good Which Pokémon do you think deserves a form, and for which event would you prefer it to be introduced? - Kanto Starters :fire Which mounts, in your opinion, need a rework? - Arceus, looks like a giraffe
  7. yo I may be interested depends to how much u sellin it but we can talk about it in discord or mail me here your price
  8. Auction is over! @Rumbleking dm me in discord or here in forum if u r free discord: Dthon#5509
  9. things got complicated mb, but welp lets continue it
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