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Theodd0ne's Achievements



  1. Wtb 150k clefable if still available
  2. Wtb the first clefable if still available
  3. How much is the sheer force timburr?
  4. How much is the dark vader bisharp?
  5. How much is the haxorous and bold togekiss?
  6. Hello Its been more then 3 days since i dig in dig spots but they haven't spawn back yet pls help
  7. Bump
  8. Theodd0ne

    Bms bug

    Hello, staffs said in discord is bms and ms will be extend but when i login , i don't see my bms ,and i bought bms wednesday
  9. How much is the noivern?
  10. There's a bug or something i don't know but i can't login Please help
  11. Nice shop
  12. Wtb the klefki , how much?
  13. Hello there a glitch in valley of steel i followed the guide but when i entered valley of steel i dont see may and magma grunts
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