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Everything posted by Lilmsjester

  1. I play Pokémon Go with my sister and partner as well play a lot of the handheld games. And I know there is a feature where you can select Pokémon as your favourites/select them for battle teams - such as in Gen 7 where you can create set teams. Not only could you filter through your Pokémon with it but it could also have some sort of prevention in terms of accidently releasing the Pokémon? That you can't release favourites/trade your favorited Pokémon? Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion! :thanks: :Heart:
  2. This is a lovely idea! Twitter : https://gyazo.com/e99cc2ccf8873b84c1db29ce08904732 Youtube : https://gyazo.com/3b4b0957967d2df70424b58868582a60 NPC Name : Miss Molly Place : Floaroma Town Dialogue - "Oh hello! Isn't this place simply wonderful? My Pokemon love the flowers here, as do I! Would you like to meet them?" Defeated Dialogue - "They may not be the strongest but I wouldn't change them for all the money in the world!" then a <3 emoji Interaction after defeat - "I heard there's a legendary Pokemon here in Sinnoh who likes flowers also! I wonder what it looks like..." Pokemon - Turtwig Ivysaur - preferably female Lilligant Leafeon As to their levels, I shall let you decide though i'd like Ivysaur to be the higher level pokemon :) I can't wait to see it once it's finished! <3
  3. So I at first thought that it was an update that they removed the darkness from the maze in Viridian Forest maze. But after talking with a few friends, they told me that wasn't supposed to happen? I took a video showing only Hydreigon in my party - so no one with flash. And I even logged out and back in and it's still like this. I've even reset my client and it's still bright in the Viridian Forest maze. https://sendvid.com/7albqv4z Sorry for the nuisance and thanks! :Heart:
  4. I just squealed like a school girl! :Heart: :Heart-eyes:
  5. Re: Donquixote Daycare Service <r>Hi there! Could I get these done please?<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://imgur.com/1RyvzV1.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> Ign: LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon: Murkrow<br/> Ev: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6HP<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://imgur.com/S7QvumP.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> Ign: LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon: Rufflet<br/> Ev: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6HP<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://imgur.com/RtKVQxe.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> Ign: LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon: Mudkip<br/> Ev: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 6Def<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://imgur.com/okqGe7S.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> Ign:LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon:Deino<br/> Ev:252 Speed, 252 Sp Atk, 6HP<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://imgur.com/9UoUjZi.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> Ign:LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon:Pichu<br/> Ev:252 Speed, 252 Sp Atk, 6HP<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://imgur.com/pWSZHI6.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> Ign:LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon:Magikarp<br/> Ev:252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6HP<br/> <br/> Moveset i'm not so bothered about but i'd like them to remain unevolved please. Thank you very much :) <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  6. Re: Quanle92's Shop (BIG DISCOUNT + cheaper insta , 2 days left!!!) <t>Quanle!! Can I buy the 75k rufflet? :3</t>
  7. I'd be very interested in the shiny sawsbuck!! 1.1 mill?
  8. Thank you to everyone who auctioned - Slowbro is now sold! I'm on pro all the time so i'll add you in game and trade with you a.s.a.p :) :thanks: :Heart:
  9. Highest offer is 820k by LiquidSnakeK - Auction ends in 30 minutes!! Thank you everyone for the interest :Heart:
  10. Hi guys! I'll probably have this run for one more day :) As for an instant sale price, i'm afraid I don't know the economy too well. I haven't seen how much a slowbro goes for and doubt I could come up with an accurate price. So 24 hours from this post then i'll end the auction and sell the slowbro to the highest bidder :) Good luck and thank you for taking an interest!! :Heart: :thanks:
  11. Bids at 360k just now, this is still going :)
  12. https://prntscr.com/cktu2t Female Kanto Slowbro, lvl 100. Bold Nature with Regen Ability. 252 EVs in HP, 232 EVs in Def and 24 Sp Def. Knows the moves Scald, Psyshock, Slack Off and Ice Beam! Thank you!
  13. Hi there. Well i've been off for some time but it hasn't happened again since i've gone back on. Not sure if it was just a one time thing (or two time in this case) but everything seems fine now :)
  14. Okay, so after the red server crashed, I decided to go on my alt on the blue server. The very first encounter I had was a pidgey but it was invisible. Then when the battle ended, I couldn't find any pokemon...searching in grass for a good five minutes. So I logged out then back in. Went down to the grass again - Route 1 for training - and the same thing happened again only a rattata https://prntscr.com/bkfp3v And when I leave the encounter or beat the pokemon, I can't encounter any pokemon. Is this happening to anyone else? Or am I just cursed? :D
  15. Well I knew intimidate had been added a few days prior to me catching the sandile. I caught two sandiles - one moxie and one intimidate but the moxie one changed the next day. But it sounds like there was just a bit of lag or it hadn't changed for me yet. If it's supposed to be intimidate that's fine :) Just thought I'd double check
  16. Its wierd that it happened recently, but I think we can assume it is a part of the ongoing ability fixes. Shane explains it in the original thread here if you haven't read it yet. That did occur to me that maybe there was just a bit of lag on my end on it changing. But it was strange for me because I caught a different sandile that day that did have intimidate which it still has now. I'll wait and see what's said. :)
  17. I can't find any information about the intimidate ability being changed, as far as I know it's been fine. Very strange problem. Thanks for reporting it though, I hope a staff member can help you out. Okay, thank you very much! :) Fool you? I'm sorry you feel that way but as stated in my post, it's alright if there is nothing that can be done about it. I'm just stating that a pokemon that had moxie AFTER the intimidate was added no longer has it. It's still perfectly usable to me as an Intimidate I was just told by others in game chat to ask in the forums anyway.
  18. Okay, so I caught a Sandile a day ago and it had the ability Moxie. I EV trained it up and the next day it had intimidate. Now I understand that intimidate had been added a few days ago but I would have thought that it would have had the intimidate yesterday when I caught it. I have a screenshot of when it had moxie (as I was a bit nerdy and proud of it) and I took a screenshot of it today with intimidate. I don't know if anything can be done about it and if not that's fine. I just thought i'd ask anyway because it happened after intimidate was added. Yesterday: https://i.imgur.com/H1O8UAq.jpg Today: https://i.imgur.com/6MOOT8s.jpg Thanks :) Sorry in advanced :Heart:
  19. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="MayElesa"><s> </e></QUOTE> Nidoqueen 82-95 (as 50% increase) = 66k<br/> Honchkrow 83-95 (as 25% increase) = 51.25k<br/> Ninetails 82-95 (as 25% increase) = 55k<br/> Venusaur 77-90 (as 50% increase) = 58.5k<br/> Total = 230.75k<e> </e></QUOTE> Sounds good to me! I'll be on all night ready to trade when you are - in Kanto.</r>
  20. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r>IGN : LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon : Nidoqueen<br/> Current Level: 82<br/> Final Level: 95<br/> Evolve at level: n/a<br/> Move keep: Earthquake, Superpower, Crunch, Poison Fang<br/> <br/> IGN : LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon : Honchkrow<br/> Current Level: 83<br/> Final Level: 95<br/> Evolve at level: n/a<br/> Move keep: Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Night Shade, Wing Attack<br/> <br/> IGN : LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon : Ninetails<br/> Current Level: 82<br/> Final Level: 95<br/> Evolve at level: n/a<br/> Move keep: Flamethrower, Extrasensory, Will-O-Wisp, Solarbeam<br/> <br/> IGN : LilMsJester<br/> Pokemon : Venusaur<br/> Current Level: 77<br/> Final Level: 90<br/> Evolve at level: n/a<br/> Move keep: Synthesis, Petal Dance, Growth, Solar Beam<br/> <br/> I'm on pretty much all the time :) Could you let me know how much all this would be?? Many thanks!!! <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  21. Is Lanturn still available? :) :Heart:
  22. Hiya! Thanks for the reply but I have been traded a decent vulpix that'll do until I get to Cinnabar. But thanks anyway :)
  23. Looking to buy pokemon for my dream in game team, not too bothered about them being 'perfect' as it is just for completing the region. Here are the pokemon i'm missing Timid Drought Vulpix - DONE! Adamant Poison Point Nidoran F/Nidorina - definitely with good ivs Cottonee/Hoppip/Deerling Calm or Bold Eeevee/Umbreon - IVs in defence and attack preferably. Thanks very much! :Heart:
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