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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Ill take larvesta. Also what do you mean players under 200hrs? How do u check?
  2. Wtb all forms: trained, untrained, shinies, and events. Also looking for any cosmetics. Thank you
  3. Wtb straw hat 1, stormtrooper set, lapras mount, and other cosmetics
  4. Wtb lvl 21 togepi, event sandshrew lvl 32, and shiny butterfree lvl 6 please. Whenever you have time
  5. Ill be online in about an hour or so ill msg you on discord
  6. Wtb armaldo lvl 95 with cc. Can u give me the remainder in money?
  7. Would u take a cc for storm trooper helmet and give me the rest in change lmfak
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