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    Cat Burglar

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  1. hey, I transferred my old guild to my little brother's account, and then made a new guild for myself and my friends. The old guild still says I'm Leader on my brother's account and he can't invite new members/ create a guild logo. I believe I invited him to my old guild, then I left and made a new Guild. I was unaware that I had to promote him first, thinking it would transfer lead anyway. My old Guilds name is: Fairy Tale My current new Guild is Sparkypee is my brothers account who I wanted to be the new Leader of Fairy Tail. How can this be fixed? Thanks in advance!
  2. The winners are: Elior623 With Blace 1 for 300k! Barze97 With Blace 8 for 450k, Blace 11 for 250k and Blace 12 for 300k! Medu5a With Blace 10 for 100k and Guzz 4 for 100k! Noctawolf With Guzz 1 for 100k! Blackmoonn With Guzz 6 for 250k! Magicarpediem With Guzz 7 for 150k! Princesscadance With Guzz 8 for 100k! Pm me in-game, on this site or on discord (Sparkypooper) when you're available for a trade!
  3. Congratulations everyone, the auction ended! (Terrible timing with WQ whew)
  4. Final 20 minutes till the auction ends!
  5. Expected to hear you singing lol
  6. Final 24 hours have gone in, good luck everyone!
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