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  1. can u help me to restore my phanpy ? Thanks a lot !
  2. Hi GM, I'm sorry for annoying you . I just release my keldeo because i think it can recatch . So i hope u can save my keldeo . Thanks! ID is here
  3. i dont have experience :((. I'm really sorry for that
  4. oh really we need the proof o.0. Sr this is the first time i sell in forum :(((
  5. so i will close this topic thanks for joining
  6. sorry bro some one insta that :((
  7. S.o: 700k min raise: 100k Insta:3m Auction will be end after 1Day get a Start offer.
  8. What's your Name/IGN? phamhoanganh14 ● How old are you? 18 <3 ● Are you active in Discord? yes ● Where are you from? Vietnam ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 1624hr ● What's your goal in PRO? Hunting my favorite pokemon and also love pvp ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? 0da is my favorite pvp player XD and i heard chaos is very friendly ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? ditto XD. because it's really funny. It can transform everything XD ● What's your favorite animal and why? Catttt because they are very cute
  9. Why do you want to join NoMercy? Firstly, i'm fan of belzebel XD. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? Try being a good pvp player How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? I'm 18 and Vietnamese is my languages
  10. I can't enter the cave to get gengarite although i did the quest part 1 and part 2 last year. The girls in cave for part 3 said the lord was back in Villa in Necropolis , I tried to find him but nothing . plz Helps
  11. will u contact to me how can i contact to you sir ?
  12. i want apply for join guild Trinity How old are you and where are you from? Im 18 year and im from vietnam What is the highest rating you've ever got? i got around 100 or more Do you play PRO daily? How many hours? Yes im play daily. When i dont have class i will play after eat i still play . So anyway i always play when i have free time What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? I can make guide for pve/boss poke build and can lend my pvp poke for guild mate and for story' What is your Discord ID? Magical Fox#2170
  13. ohh yeah tks
  14. Dear Admin , I'm really sorry because i'm annoyed you now , but can u give me back the first move is charm . I forgot when i remove this i can not study it and again plzzz admin . Help me !
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