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Everything posted by Crazyping12

  1. Re: Selling Epic scyther adamant tech best in serv ? <t>Sold.</t>
  2. Re: Selling Epic scyther adamant tech best in serv ? <t>yes its still up you have co, pm me in game :)</t>
  3. yeah i have read it but i didnt quite understood what you meant :p thats why i said "if thats what you meant"
  4. people cant buy more than 1 MS in a month ? if thats what you meant im not so sure how some ppl have tons of MS xd neither how people get to buy their own MS and sell for others.
  5. but i agree a little bit on this part, the only thing i dont agree with is that some poks are MS only, so it wouldnt be fair for people who cant afford MS with real money, thats why its tradable but in the other part some people use this advantage to make a lot of money just selling MS and doing nothing which also not fair for people who spend hours to make money, so maybe it should be limited like one player cant sell more than an "amount" to other players.
  6. businis isnt based on how people feel its all calculated, poks worth over more than 1 mil because a lot of people want those poks and they have milions so bids always decide a pokemon value, its just similar to irl, ppl dont say a ferrari worths tons of money coz they only think about themselves xd
  7. its just as simple as when it was 100k ppl had less money now ppl have more money so values go higher too, people have milions now, its not that hard to make money, so it wouldn't be fair for people who spend their irl money to keep the price 100k when ppl got milions lol but i would agree that the value of ms shouldnt go higher than 300-400k because ms doesnt give much, only access to some poks which eventually will be catchable in other places too, ms in other games used to be with milions because it raises the shiny encounter rate, in this game it shouldnt be a lot :p
  8. nice dratini if only it was marvel scale xd but i will offer 500k
  9. delete this post thank u
  10. Re: Wts Shiny tauros <r><QUOTE author="Bartjanus"><s> </e></QUOTE> thats my tauros scrub :D and i thought he was vr not uncommon :p</r>
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