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Everything posted by Agony099

  1. ok i'll justp m you ingame :) whatsyour IGN? Btw, can i buy 200 ocins for 280k? I have 280k yes what items, and Agony099
  2. are you online rightnow? can i buy now?:D in que #40
  3. im home from work, can pm in game whenever
  4. I'm interested buying 100 coins from you. 140k right? yes :)
  5. same as members, so 140k would need to see stats
  6. Membership = 120k Mounts = 60k XP = 35k Buying/trading for the following: Scyther - Adamant or Jolly, Technician ability - must have at least 27 attack and speed prefer other ivs above 20 Gyarados - Adamant or Jolly, Intimidate ability - same as above preferably Abra - Timid, Magic Guard Ability, must have at least 27 sp attack and speed prefer other ivs above 20 Fletchling - Jolly, Gale Wings ability, same as above Eevee or eeveelutions with good stats Dratini/dragonair/dragonites All offers are welcome, even if its not matching to the above specifically i'll always take a look.
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