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Everything posted by Agony099

  1. Hello, I wanted to do a future clan type banner called Dragons Den - I would like it to have a Noivern on the left, Dragonite in the middle and a Hydreigon on the right and a little goomy on the bottom in the middle with a pokeball in front of him - if it could have the Dragons Den name on it with the background like a purple and black and maybe a nice darker green lettering?
  2. Im online at the next few hours, Ill try to pm you ingame would be nice if you could do the same from time to time, or give me pm here in forum to do a specific time. Hello, i'm back today
  3. Re: ☆REVERSEZ SHOP☆(Update 18-11-17) <t>Hello, I would like Dragonite</t>
  4. Re: REVERSEZ SHOP(Update 18-11-17) <r><QUOTE author="ReverseZ" post_id="470707" time="1511317458" user_id="192146"><s> </e></QUOTE> @Agony099<SIZE size="150"><s></s>You want Careful or jolly<e></e></SIZE> <E>:Smile:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> I would like the one that's 300k, would you accept member medallion for it? Or should I sell that first?</r>
  5. Re: REVERSEZ SHOP(Update 18-11-17) <t>Hello I am interested in Gligar</t>
  6. I'd like the scizor what time is good for you?
  7. Need Adamant/jolly/timid/modest pm in game or post here
  8. Re: WTS gligar adamat epic <t>ill do 60k</t>
  9. i have few friends who have perfect stats as mention by you, they sold it for 3-10m+ an adamant HA dratini with 31/29/31/31/29/30 went for 440k yesterday on blue.
  10. Re: Brotherhood's Big Shop.!! <t>how much for magnezone ?</t>
  11. Where do I get this? Halp
  12. post picture.
  13. didn't see it was johto.
  14. i'll give 140k
  15. I have off tomorrow or after 20:00 MST timezone
  16. Don't really get why breeding isn't in. It's probably the biggest time sink in any pokemon game aside from shiny hunting at end/post-game. Not like destiny knot or everstone exists so its not like breeding is easy mode. Just my 2 cents. As far as economy is concerned: Blue has been out for what? 1 week? and players already have almost a million in cash (some) and if you put $5 into the game you get pretty close to 200k, the "money sink" isn't going to possibly keep up by having 500 escape ropes or 1k repels, like... there's no way. it's not going to happen, and by some off chance someone gets a 5iv perfect nature and ability what's it goona sell for? like 500k max? and what's the chances of that happening? like 1/1000 ? Economy is already nothing perfect, breeding would just add more end game content.
  17. Re: Eevee awesome IV's how much would you pay? <t>i'll pay 80k</t>
  18. I wanttobuy coins form you :) again? alright
  19. Will you do ev trainings?
  20. i'm on now, pm or reply here whenever
  21. Need the following: Scyther (high demand, 250k + ) Abra Gligar Dratini Magikarp Dedenne Eevee Staryu Fletchling Need these with at least 25+ in their respective attack and speed, and high in others, good natures/ability - even if something isn't perfect feel free to reply and i'll take a look. paying highly.
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