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Everything posted by Justardy

  1. did a story service for me, dependable, quick, informative and trusting 10/10 would buy again.
  2. ill pass to continue the bid, congrats!
  3. 920k for treecko
  4. Sorry for the late invitation! slightly busy for holiday!
  5. check out evocation!
  6. All are welcomed to join, sent invite in dms!
  7. Would love to have you guys too, cant want to chat and have some fun !
  8. We are more happy to have you actually
  9. No, we want you more. Sent a dm!
  10. im not a gm, but the PC update is already at work. It is likely it wont come anytime soon since there is no ETA for any update or anything. Hope this helps you !
  11. Yo, all are you are invited ! check the dms
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