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Everything posted by Justardy

  1. perish song , physchic , copycat , covet
  2. blizzard , pwder snow , copycat , lovely kiss
  3. blizzard , phychic , fake tears , heartstamp
  4. blizzard , phychic , copycat , heart stamp
  5. blizzard , phychic , copycat , powdersnow
  6. blizzard , phychic , copycat , confusion
  7. blizzard , phychic , fake tears , covet
  8. blizzard, psychic , covet , copycat
  9. hey ! thanks for applying , we will sent an invite shortly ! ttyl!
  10. hey , thanks for applying , i will send an invite shortly!
  11. hey!! @Foolishghostthank you for applying in evocation ! we will send an invite link shortly ! ttyl!!
  12. hey you ! thanks for applying i will send an invite shortly ! ttyl!
  13. hey @Umi112345 , thanks for applying ! i will send an invite shortly ! ttyl!
  14. heya fellas ! , thank you so much for applying , we will be sending an invite link shortly . ,ttyl.
  15. hey thanks for applying ! i will send an invite shortly , ttyl!
  16. hey @Tiro102! , if you want to , you can apply to evocation ! theres a link in my signature to join one ! we dont do a lot of pvps , but our members do understand on how to make you greater at it , as people say , coaches doesnt play , we are very friendly and very happy to have you to join evocation ! , see you on the application page !!
  17. hey @Demonarises , Thanks for applying ! i will send an invite link shortly , we are happy to have you !!
  18. Hey @Nahuepaand @Malvadao , thanks for applying ! i will be sending an invite link shortly!
  19. Bump ! , we are looking forward to making new friends!
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