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Everything posted by Peeko

  1. Hello, I am currently doing the Teleport Quest in Hoenn. I have completed all steps but when i try to retrieve Wattson's CD (You need them to install them in 5 Pokécentre) My game freezes. I am unable to move or talk to Wattson. I tried relogging (you are able to move after relogging, but unable to finish the quest because you do not have the CD's) I tried checking a pokécentre to see if i had the CD's. It didn't work. Unable to progress. Wattson has bugs on those CD's.
  2. Im all in for making PRO a more in depth game (such as quests and events) and this should be a nice addition. If this were to be polished and upgraded im sure the 3 questlines would be enjoyable and rewardable not only for the mega stone but for the story too. +1
  3. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ <r>Just wanted to say this is a fantastic guild with lots of dedicated and friendly people. Not only that but it has his own discord group that comes with various helpfull guides about the game. Easy to use and very informative. The members are friendly, helpfull, thoughtfull and hardworking.<br/> <br/> Thus i say; A great guild, happy to be part of it. <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  4. +1 for a customizable guild hall. It should be that if you have the guild rank you're permitted to build. Decoration could cost money. The better decorations the more it'll cost. With this you can add a moneybank where guildmembers can donate. The guildhall should be open if chosen. So that you can trade with others, have mock battles or just simply hang out.
  5. :thanks: for the warm welcome! :Crazy:
  6. Hello everyone! Thought i'd start off with an small Introduction, so here goes~ My Alias is Peeko which i use for multiple games. (if im able to) I love pokémon because i grew up with it. Its even more fun to play this game because its alot more sociable. I am someone that likes to make friends and keep in touch as much as possible. Its great to be part of an active community and i dislike playing in solitude. I'm a bit of an doofus sometimes (Killing shiny's) ˘\_( õ ‹3 ó)_/˘ and very talkative. So i hope you'll get along with me in the future. I also have alot to learn about competitive pokémon. :3 My favourite typing is steel and water. Favourite pokemon is Empoleon. Goals: Completing my dex on this game, make friends and have a mono-steel team and a rain-team. :thanks: all, have a nice day!
  7. Re: ✰Team Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" <t>1: How many Hours have you played? 80+ Hours<br/> 2: How many regions have you completed? Close to 2.<br/> 3: What is your personal goal ingame? A mono-steal type pvp team<br/> 4: Why do you feel Team Cosmic is the right place for you? It looks like a great guild to be in. Friendly and accepting (im looking at you tatsu)<br/> 5: Are you willing to lend a helping hand? Yes, wherever i can.<br/> I have discord.</t>
  8. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Recruiting! <t>Looks like i didn't notice this was a blue guild. As i have a character on red. I might restart to play blue because of the inconveniences anyways. Also because this looks a really good guild.</t>
  9. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Recruiting! <r>Haha, thank you :3! Im currently logging back into the game. I had to eat dinner <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  10. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Recruiting! <r>Hello! I would like to sign up to your guild. <br/> <br/> 1. What is your IGN? Peeko<br/> 2. Why do you want to join? Im a social human. Playing alone is not my style<br/> 3. What is your favourite Pokemon? Scizor<br/> 4. Do you use Discord? Yes<br/> <br/> <E>:thanks:</E> in advance!</r>
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