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Everything posted by Phanikumar

  1. Thank u
  2. When i went to mtsilver to go to hoenn first i have won with two roket grunt but i have lost battle at the third grunt.when i go to her again she is not battling with me how can i pass her again?.please help me. Thanku you
  3. The pokemons came.thank u very much
  4. I can get his full name if u check trade logs of an account named gayle.Please help me to get my pokemon back. Thankyou.
  5. I dont have any screen shots
  6. I have gave that man my 3 pokes from my other account named gayle.please check transactions in my account named gayle please.in those 3 pokes one is lv100 false swiping samurrot.please help me to get my 3 lv100 pokemons back.Thank u
  7. I have gave my 3 lv100 pokemons for a player named Ash40???? Something name after Ash40 there are some numbers i have lended to him but unfortunately it has been traded.He unfriended me from friend list.Now i cant contact him.please help i did it from my another account.please help to find him.If i can get my recent transaction from my other account named gayle i can get his full name.So please help me.Thank you.
  8. Do my trade ban will be over after some days
  9. Please help me to know my trade ban period
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