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Everything posted by Kaefci

  1. You now best offer
  2. B.O 200k, now i mean, you
  3. B.O 200k, now
  4. Hey, now i'll sell my Skarmory Offer Bid's Start 180k B.O in Game 350k, But i forgot his name C.O 1 Week, start now [glow=red]WARNING[/glow] [glow=red]Dont Fake Bids[/glow] Everyone can offer me from [glow=blue]In Game or Forum[/glow] If best offer in Game i'll take Screen Shot, and upload in this post And you can add friend to me for Offer this Skarmory Use Command "/friend Kaefci", Delete " "
  5. Hey, i Looking for Skarmory (epic) I need : IV Atk : 20+ Deff:30 Spd:30 Sp.atk:1+ Sp.Deff:20+ Hp: 20+ With nature : Impish
  6. Hey,I'm looking for Starly with nature,ability, and iv's, I written it on under this. [glow=red]Starly / Staravia / Staraptor[/glow] Nature : Adamant Ability : [glow=red]Reckless[/glow], Only Reckless [glow=blue]IV[/glow] I Need Your IGN and How Much for your Starly or Evo IGN : Price : sorry for my Bad English, but I try to speak English. Bye~ P.S : My IGN is Kaefci, and you can write on under this post with your IGN, so that i can find you Use /friend ??? for add your friend, ( ??? ) is your friend name
  7. Re: Level & Ev Daycare - BrotherHood <r><QUOTE author="Chris211"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks, your service is nice and professional <E>:Shy:</E> <br/> <br/> and one more, <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>he is not a thief<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> So, believe it <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  8. Re: Level & Ev Daycare - BrotherHood <r><QUOTE author="Chris211"><s> </e></QUOTE> It is 28.5k for the training. Add me ingame. Same name as here.<br/> You can also join my discord if u want<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> I am looking for you in all,battle tab chat channel</r>
  9. Re: Level & Ev Daycare - BrotherHood <r>Your Ingame name: Kaefci (server Blue)<br/> Your timezone: GMT +7:00<br/> Pokemon's name: Eevee ( Kanto ) <br/> Starting/Finishing level: 61-80<br/> Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: Nothing<br/> P.S. : <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Don't Evolve this Eevee<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW>, <GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>I'm still waiting for my friend returns my pokemon<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> <br/> Total Price : ???</r>
  10. Re: Level & Ev Daycare - BrotherHood <t>Today you can ?</t>
  11. Hey... my name is [glow=purple]Kaefci[/glow] I'll buy your eevee.. maybe~ hmm.. with timid or hardy Sorry, if I do not have a lot of pokedollars [glow=red]IV : Atk : 20+ Def : 15+ Spd : 25+ Sp.Atk : 20+ Sp Deff : 15+ Hp : 1+[/glow] Maybe i'll buy it.. [glow=blue]Requirement[/glow] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Bored: Nickname(in game) : How Much you'll sell to me : if deal.. I 'll let you know when I'm online [glow=red]my time zone is GMT +7:00 ( WIB ) Indonesia, Jakarta[/glow] sorry bad english :Shy: :thanks:
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