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Everything posted by Kaefci

  1. Count me in Country : Indonesia Reason : i need to survive here for studied, that thing is so expensive i think, then why nut? Hmm, ok, last console i played are Gameboy in white&black color, and PS1, thats why i want to get a console for mychildhood nostalgia i know i'm not on Australia now, but i hope i can win :Smile: [glow=Blue]GoodGame[/glow]
  2. Excadrill soldout? :Question: if not, when the auction will be end? :thanks:
  3. Porygon Timid-Download [glow=red]SOLD[/glow]
  4. Yes, i've this problem too, idk, but my eyes is confused if so long to watch chat/pm/all of word in game I hope, this problem can solved quickly
  5. i was download 32bit and extract it, then i log in yes, i can log in, but but but, [glow=red]i have a problem with the word.. yes Blurring[/glow] i don't know what was that, don't look on graphic, only blured on word, all of word previous vers (xmas) worked fine and nice word and doesnt blurring :confused: my eyes~~ :confused: Screenshot (Sorry, i don't know to load img)
  6. Re: WTS HA Adamant Talonflame <t>620k.....</t>
  7. Re: WTS HA Adamant Talonflame <t>520k<br/> IGN : Kaefci</t>
  8. Re: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) SevenL's Relics ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) <t>I think you sell for one poke need much of time,<br/> if you write insta maybe it so better</t>
  9. Re: Update 15 Epic 100's. God, decent god 100's , baby pokemon <3 <t>hey, how much for magnezone?</t>
  10. Hey Guys, now i looking for ABSOL IV Atk 25+ Spd 28+ NATURE [glow=red]ADAMANT[/glow] *only adamant ABILITY [glow=purple]SUPERLUCK[/glow] *only SUPERLUCK If you have Epic Absol, Take Screen Shot,Post under here and i'll offer it :Crazy: Or use command /friend Kaefci :thanks:
  11. Re: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) SevenL's Relics ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) <t>okay im out</t>
  12. Re: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) SevenL's Relics ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) <t>Magnezone 350k,<br/> Im out for Kingdra</t>
  13. Re: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) SevenL's Relics ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) <t>1m, for kingdra</t>
  14. Re: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) SevenL's Relics ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) <t>700k for Kingdra<br/> IGN : Kaefci</t>
  15. If Ranked PvP ?
  16. Hey Everyone, My Question is "Can I Use Rain Team???" Yeah Swift Swim + Drizzle ABILITY Like a Kingdra and Politoad I just asking :D because Im a Newbie
  17. Start offer? I'll start it with 200k
  18. Yeah, can you sell to me, online now sir :D will you sell me? yeah, you is a winner, >.< Redserver, im in blue server, wrong server
  19. okay you are winner
  20. WTB ABSOL GOOD IV'S ADAMANT ABILITY : SUPER LUCK IV's -> Attack 28+ and Speed 28+ Requirement
  21. 100k no.4 my IGN : Kaefci
  22. hey Chris, long time no see :Crazy: Your Ingame name: Kaefci Your timezone: GMT +7:00 Pokemon's name: Porygon Starting/Finishing level: 76-97 Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: No
  23. Hey, im back so... im looking for Togepi or her evolution Pm Me if you have it, Use Command "/friend Kaefci" , Kaefci is my IGN, delete " " Only [glow=red]TIMID*[/glow] and [glow=red]Serene Grace[/glow] Ability And you must take Screen Shot your Togepi, or her evolution Requirement
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