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Posts posted by Aspheric

  1. Hello there.


    I will get straight to the point of making themed pokecenters, they are done by mappers who have a bit of free time and motivation to make them if they wish to do so. We can not make new interiors for every event for every PC as that would require too much work. This summer only one PC got updated as we are currently handling a ton of maps that we have to finish so only one of us had time to make a themed map.


    As for the notion that adding a theme to a map in another region would bring life to that region, this is just wrong. Vermilion is the most populated PC all year round no matter the theme as it is the most convenient to reach the most services and being in the first region it attracts the most players. That's why it is the first to get a theme whenever possible.


    I hope I covered everything for anyone interested in this thread.


    Locked and denied.

    • Like 5
  2. The test client that will be released to test megas is completely separate from the current one you have. They will both work, one will give you access to the live servers and one will give you access to the test server.

  3. I'm gonna leave my personal opinion here as I was mentioned in the post and to add to what Qeight said. No the game is not dying since we constantly get new players and there are at least 600 people online at all times. During the quarantine there was a huge influx of new plauers and return of old ones due to the sheer amount of outbreaks, world quests, a new quest and a new event at the time combined with the free time everyone had. Now people are getting back to their lives and there hasnt been a significant addition in a bit so of course the game feel like its dying off when it really isn't.


    That's all I had to say, some may agree some may don't. It's how I see it and I believe it makes sense. Have a good day.

  4. Hello there,


    Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, it's a known bug where the old lava doesn't appear for some clients. It has been replaced by the new lava tiles and should now appear properly. Have a nice day.


    Kind regards,


    • Like 1
  5. When it comes to your region suggestion 3 new regions are being made as we speak but things take time and we want to make everything look good and function properly. That includes new tiles, new npc sprties, a new story, a ton of new npcs and many many maps. And all those have to be tested and fixed so that it works perfectly to be released to the community. I hope I covered that part.


    Kind regards


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  6. There is a difference between making them hard to obtain, potentially through a hard quest or time/evo/data requirements, and having players pay around 50$ to get megas. Megas are a big part of the game that everyone wants to have access to, so making them unobtainable for most of the community is a very bad idea.

    • Like 4
  7. I disagree with this suggestion. Forcing players to buy such items (which will most likely be untradeable) means that the game will have more pay2win content and it will hugely impact the current economy. Quests or some other form of obtaining them would be optimal so that they are not extremely easy to obtain (Keep in mind this is an mmo and the grind is part of the experience) and players will also be able to make use of guides or other ways to fast forward the process. Evolutions, caught pokemon or hour requirements should in my opinion (which people may disagree with) be set so that again they are not accessible immediately by everyone.

    • Like 4
  8. I totally disagree with this suggestion. PRO has an organic, growing economy that is fully controlled by the playerbase as a total. Yes you have players with 100-600+mil but they hardly control or even affect the economy. Prices are dictated based on supply and demand, not what "the rich" want you to pay. You can always refuse to buy or sell something if you dont agree with the price and noone forces you to do so. What people with the most money usually trade are rare shinies or shinies with good stats which would go for a lot of money either way. They have worked for those amounts of money, either through clever trades, or grinding hard and they deserve to have it. Taxing them more would be an unfair disadvantage to them and helping the people with less wealth would give them an unfair advantage. Everyone has the same ways and opportunities of making money which makes it fair for the whole community.


    In conclusion taxing rich people (depending on what you or someone else considers rich?) and helping those with less money (which could be extremely easily exploited) would ruin the economy.

    • Like 1
  9. If you read my comment, you should realize that I was giving the burden of mapping to the guilds, not the staff exactly for this reason. Hence why I said guilds will design and submit their own, one that suits the constraints/regulations. Essentially, if the guild wants it, they have to do their part. All the staff has to do is upload them during major patches, not so frequently.


    To put it simply, guilds put in work, and pay to have it shared in the game.

    You probably dont know what goes into mapping. Not everyone can make a decent map, which is why it is so hard to recruit new mappers and their training takes months. So assuming guildies outside staff can make a correct map that has everything be perfect, is unrealistic. But I get your point. Still a no.

  10. Piggybacking off this post: I believe a way to handle guild island would be to allow guilds to obtain their own, customizable islands at a cost.


    However, to avoid adding more work for staff, the customization part could be entirely a guild's responsibility, coming at a sizable pokedollar/cc price (which also serves to address inflation and increase guild loyalty, as well as help the game's finances).


    One way that involves little staff work would be to make guilds design and submit their own islands, under specified constraints (dimensions, amount of objects, etc). This will add an interesting activity for all guilds in the form of map editing, where guilds can participate in their own map design contest and generally have fun playing around with map editor to have their own unique islands. Having something that is unique to your guild certainly helps people identify with their guild more, and make it a more active scene than it is now. This also could introduce more players to map editor and nurture future PRO map editor staff candidates, or people to help out with new event/region designs.


    These custom maps, and any changes associated with them, can be uploaded with major patches every month or two, meaning its low maintenance. All that needs to be done would be to upload/change map files that the guild submits under specified constraints. Additionally, the map size, amount of zones/areas, number of buildings, and usage of specific decoration/furnitures/ornaments can be scaled to both the amount of guild donation (either CC/Pokedollars or both) AND rank. That way, PvP guilds still get the prestige, while PvE or casual guilds can also enjoy it in their own terms. Meanwhile the CC/Pokedoller cost will also help reduce inflation overall.


    If guild islands are individual as such, they can also have common areas where people from other guilds/non guild people can enter to have a look around, which will allow guilds to have another way of showing off their prestige and incentivize improvements to their respective guild islands.


    Just a rough idea, but i think having a special map accessible from major ports, (maybe call it guild terminal), with stalls representing each guilds with islands that directly takes you to their guild island, would be a great way to initiate this. And the respective guild islands will have the main common area where everyone has access to, and side zones that are private to the guild (where the other guild businesses, move tutors, etc are taken care of).


    I knew someone would suggest that. I am just gonna say I agree with the original post but this is a big NO. Talking as a former mapper, making maps takes hours, days or weeks. We have to work on new regions, new events, new quests and it's already a ton of work. Having to find the time and motivation to make even more maps, regardless of how small or empty they are is impossible, no matter what the cost for it is. Same goes for all the scripting work required for this to happen. Hope I made my point clear and yes I see your point of view.

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