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Everything posted by Quanle92

  1. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Update Sep 26th, Added some good cheap stuffs) <r>bump. <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  2. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Update Sep 26th, Added some good cheap stuffs) <r><QUOTE author="SiTzei"><s> </e></QUOTE> Deal canceled</r>
  3. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Update Sep 26th, Added some good cheap stuffs) <r><QUOTE author="garvaz"><s> </e></QUOTE> its yours</r>
  4. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Update Sep 26th, Added some good cheap stuffs) <r>Bump <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  5. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Update Sep 26th, Added some good cheap stuffs) <r>Bump. <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  6. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop (Update Sep 24th) <r><QUOTE author="Reirrac"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Z5GrzqS.png"><s></e></IMG> Daenerys goes 1.7mil</r>
  7. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop (Update Sep 24th) <r><QUOTE author="leolawliet"><s> </e></QUOTE> Got cha bro</r>
  8. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop (Update Sep 24th) <r><QUOTE author="limewire123"><s> </e></QUOTE> got cha. up</r>
  9. Re: What shinies u have?? <r><E>:Heart-eyes:</E> Nice</r>
  10. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop (Update Sep 24th) <r><QUOTE author="Reirrac"><s> </e></QUOTE> Got it bro. <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
  11. :Cool:i guess I will be around 350-400k.
  12. :Cool: going to be around 250-300k
  13. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop (Update Sep 24th) <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/FxFMBrv.png"><s></e></IMG> deidara7 offer 1.2mil on timburr</r>
  14. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop <r><QUOTE author="johnho"><s> </e></QUOTE> I just reposted it , can you see it now? Imma fix them really soon.</r>
  15. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop <r><QUOTE author="LiquidSnakeK"><s> </e></QUOTE> All of them. They say the image links have expired.<e> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://scontent.fhou1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14429413_1261310597221862_674082674_n.png?oh=3c46f97eb8d0c235d5dce16f3e0326db&oe=57E7D3FE"><s></e></IMG><br/> b.o 1mil by Bushez<br/> insta 3.5mil<br/> <IMG src="https://scontent.fhou1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14454473_1261310587221863_477599749_n.png?oh=772e839e4a149cec1463e8f01298f24b&oe=57E7EB03"><s></e></IMG><br/> bo:.... (start at 2.5mil)<br/> insta 6mil<br/> <IMG src="https://scontent.fhou1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14442717_1261310590555196_227091011_n.png?oh=6eab669e71942ccbdf7c0e86c4dc8e50&oe=57E7FCF4"><s></e></IMG><br/> bo:... (start at 250k)<br/> insta: 1mil<br/> <IMG src="https://scontent.fhou1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14409324_1261310583888530_1794176229_n.png?oh=81414344da77990f3ef39faa78bbdc9c&oe=57E8E2A8"><s></e></IMG><br/> bo:... (start at 250k)<br/> insta: 1mil<br/> <IMG src="https://scontent.fhou1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14445301_1261310580555197_939110687_n.png?oh=e0ba54e160e2d48b0ca9a9a0d9deafe5&oe=57E80F13"><s></e></IMG><br/> b.o :...(start at 500k)<br/> insta 2mil<br/> <IMG src="https://scontent.fhou1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14445860_1261310593888529_1035461801_n.png?oh=b3111c0d395e25503bfd6464b275b936&oe=57E7FEA9"><s></e></IMG><br/> b.o 1mil by Daenerys<br/> insta 3.5mil</r>
  16. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop <r><QUOTE author="LiquidSnakeK"><s> </e></QUOTE> Which one tho? I can still see it.</r>
  17. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop <r>bump. <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  18. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop (Update Sep 24th) <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/bWQNFYg.png"><s></e></IMG> 1mil offer by Daenerys</r>
  19. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop <r><QUOTE author="bushez"><s> </e></QUOTE> Got cha, NP bro.</r>
  20. Re: Quanle92's Epic Shop <r><QUOTE author="bushez"><s> </e></QUOTE> I think I am in the personal shop 4rum already</r>
  21. +Important note: 1- Do not ask for price/when auction ends, just send the reasonable offer. 2- Owner will start the auction if owner receives a good offer. 3- Owner reserve the right to create and change his own price for his Pokemon. 4- Owner reserve the right to reject your offer and withdraw his Pokes here even if there is an acceptable bid. 5- Ms 30 days - 450k , ms 15 days = 225k , black ms = 200k 6- Some pokes will be posted along with price, other than that, just send offer. 7- Fake/troll offer will be reported 8- Happy Bidding everyone! Note: You can leave the comments here or pm me ingame @Leonidas92 / @KjuEl92 ON-GOING AUCTION None atm Low lvl + epics price: 250k price: 250k price: 250k price: 125k Price: 150k price: 350k Full Trained lvl 100 + epics Shinies/Clones
  22. Re: Sabo's miniSHOP ! [baby PKMN] - (Update 17/09) <t>50k starly 100k shrooomish</t>
  23. Decent, I will say around 100-150k. For this ghost pokemon, 31at the speed is a must.
  24. Imo you can expect 100-150k for them since they have a good looking ivs. Maril needs adamant nature and chansey need natural cure ability.
  25. Yeah. Dra 150k and the rest will be around 50-75k.
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