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Everything posted by Quanle92

  1. Take your time selling this baby. Around 1m-1.5m easily
  2. Those two are really common so I will say they worth around 50k for each.
  3. 7.7m by me. :Grin:
  4. 7.2m :Grin:
  5. 5m start :thanks:
  6. hit the starting point , 5m :Smile:
  7. Thank you! You are very welcome friend. :Smile:
  8. yea thats cool, ill be looking for the iron fist golett. i can go on rn, but ill be quite busy this week haha I do have a golett iron fist
  9. yea thats cool, ill be looking for the iron fist golett. i can go on rn, but ill be quite busy this week haha Haha me too. Imma check again brother. Will hit you up in game if I see you.
  10. :Grin: i wasn't online much but if you still want the golett that I shown you, lets make an appointment.
  11. :Grin: it's still nice and can be used as mixed type, because of its rarity, you can expect around 300-350k imo.
  12. :y: pretty nice. Agree with my guildie.
  13. Re: WTB - Shiny Charmander/Squirtle/Bulbasaur/Dratini <r>I see myself in you. Wish ya best of luck. <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  14. I really want to buy a shiny starter bulbasaur, leave comment below with picture of it and the price you expect , we can negotiate. My Ign : Quanle92 or my facebook (24/7) https://www.facebook.com/lekhac.hoangquan. Thanks for y'all help.
  15. Thanks for the info mate, I just didnt know.
  16. Rule: I'll sell it if only I satisfied with the offer. I have a full right to my pokemon , If I don't like the offer I can cancel it. No time limit. I can trade this one + cash for shiny starter if you're interesting Fake b.o will be reported. Good luck and thank y'all
  17. Thanks bro , thanks for the reminder, and I already stated it very clear at the the very first of the topic :)
  18. I will sel If only if I am satisfied with your offer and please dont inform me about the banned speed boost, I've played well enough to know it. As a matter of fact, I dont need to explain that it wont be banned forever. If you dont want it , just pass this post. I dont need any other ideas. Thank you all. Fake B.o will be reported Unlimited time. Pm me ingame if you're interesting. Nicknam: Quanle92 Plus: I will trade right away with a shiny starter. I have a right to deny any offers if I dont like it. I prefer cash and ms only. Ms = 250k So current offer that I've received ingame so far the best is 4.5 mil , insta 9 mil .
  19. Re: Shiny Snorunt <t>375k...</t>
  20. Welcome , You can contact me ingame --> Quanle92 RULES >Serious offer only >Accept MS , 1 MS = 300k >I CAN ALWAYS CANCEL AN AUCTION IF I DONT LIKE THE HIGHEST OFFER >Insta prices are negotiable, just pm me in game Start b.o 750k Insta : 1m2 Start b.o 150K Insta : 500k Start b.o 150K Insta : 500k Start b.o 150K Insta : 500k Start b.o 1mil2 Insta : 2mil Start b.o 1mil2 Insta : 2mil If you dont like it , just pass. Thank you
  21. B.o start at 750k, insta 2mil , end in 24 hrs.
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