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Everything posted by Rafajunho

  1. what is the hp for hasty eevee?
  2. what is the hp for jolteon?
  3. WTB timid eevee/jolteon hp ice. 1.5M budget, u can leave the print here or pm me in game Rafajunho
  4. what is the hp for timid eevee?
  5. got this kingdra. U can pm me in game
  6. whats the hidden power?
  7. You can do it as many time as you want, the guide says that and my friend is doing that. They are normal bosses, but they can make dogs appears. When u catch the first dog, then u cant catch the others two besides birth island. Thats how it works today, dont know how it was when u completede it
  8. No way, u can switch any time to any bell in the bell tower. So, yes, u can fight all threee guardians.
  9. i didnt catch the raikou, it only has 16% chance of him appearing. My friend does it aswell, i just want to battle them so i can get to 3 win streak reward asap
  10. Since they changed to 200 hours to fight beasts guardians i went to try my lucky. Got the lava bell and went to Cerulean to fight Entei guardian. Couldnt even get in the cave, says i should wait more to enter, like it said before when we needed 450 hours to fight. Then changed to light bell and made it Raikou guardian and beat him. And the, as my last try, tried to fight Suicine Guardian with the water bell and cant get to the lake north of Lake of rage. How can i solve it?
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