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Everything posted by Gatso

  1. Gatso


    @Hawluchaa , you are telling the same things but in another meaning, why not reset after the punishment ? For example a player can get 20 day of ban for reply to others insults in chat when a scammer or who made the insults get 3 days max. I'm not aggreed with that. Reset history infraction after 2 times mods used past ban for enlarge the punishment.
  2. Gatso


    @Eaty i can't explaining more without taking examples of me or my friends but i see lately reports punishments become heavier for experienced players because more time they play more possibilities of ban they have % . I think reactivating past ban already punished more times from infraction history is a useless thing. For example if me and another player got chat ban my punishment is heavier and longer because I play from more time and i could accumulate reports . He instead could have a ban of 5 day ( for example) . But the principal thing is : if a player is already punished and his ban prolunged from past infraction history, after do that and the ban periodo is finished ,delete infraction history, or for every report he receive he could have the longest ban every time. " Why using infraction history ban more and more times ? "
  3. Gatso


    Please bring back in suggestion section
  4. raga se ci siete ancora c'è la gilda italiana in gold: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/150156-italian-berserk-gilda-italiana-gold/
  5. raga se ci siete ancora in gold c'è la gilda italiana: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/150156-italian-berserk-gilda-italiana-gold/
  6. return solaceon with the same reward of before his last update ! +1
  7. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/150156-italian-berserk-gilda-italiana-gold/
  8. Chansey c.o. 500k bid 100 duration 27 minutes cross server ign: Gatso
  9. I mean something for other guilds, secret bases ecc..
  10. Hello why not made possible rechallenge every regional elite 4 after being champion? Maybe they could have a different team and they earn level everytime you challenge them, they could reward cash & items like bosses.
  11. Hello i think this game need new things to do for everyday because often i feel bored and i don't know what to do. I suggest some idea stolen from past original games: - Battle tower near olivine; - A kind of battle park like 3rd generation game; - New sort of contest like bug event; - A rework of berry tower; - Something to do in sevii island because when u finished the quest & done digs there is nothing to do; - A way to create balls from berries; I think the rewards could be different ( pokemon, pokedollars, items, rerolls.... ). Guys if you have any other good idea suggest please
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