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Everything posted by Gatso

  1. wts shiny duskull unsold
  2. Gatso


    ehi ciao dimmi quando sei online, magari se hai discord scrivimi la: M.#7788
  3. hello i need full service or ev service for some pokemons pm in discord Fr. 666#1077
  4. I took another time soul badge yesterday or day before
  5. Hello i'm Saitama777 and i'm sure i have the saffron badge or last badge too but i found myself before the badge of fuchsia. There was maybe a month or more i don't play with this account but in those day i login and found myself back in "game story". I don't know how is possibile but i don't wanna do another time the same things is very long and boring please help.
  6. @Diego1206 i Was editing now shop is open !!
  7. Welcome Discord: Shinkami144 Ign: Gatso - KamiGatso Enjoy ACCEPTED PAYMENT METHODS TRAINED UNTRAINED visit my shiny & event shop : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/250587-gatsos-fine-shiny-event-selection/ - Prices are fixed but if you buy more pokemon you can have a discount. - I have the right to accept/decline any offer made. - Gold Server Members are welcome but they need to come to Silver server to pick up the poke .
  8. wts: - Umbreon 400k - Togekiss 300k - Darmanitan 250k You can find me in discord: Fr. 666#1077 or in game: Miguel616.
  9. hello i'm player Miguel616 from gold, i have deleted those pokemon for lagging problem, please restore those 3: weavile, cubone, darumaka. Thank you .
  10. Nope i'm playing, not disconnectec
  11. Hello i was entered in bug catching and after 2 seconds i was teleported in canalave pc. I have lost too 20/25k + and npc tell this now. Help please.
  12. hello need delevelling for my magneton In-game name: Miguel616 Server: gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot:
  13. Gatso


    Please use good words don't make this post offensive
  14. Gatso


    Bro you are talking about politics, capitalism and those things. I want to leave out those things, we are only talk about this arogoument. No politics please.
  15. Gatso


    capitalism the only way, so we are fked
  16. Gatso


    thanks for sharing your ideas =)
  17. Gatso


    thanks for your opinion
  18. Gatso


  19. Gatso


  20. Hello i accidentally released my Arcanine, help me please !! Id: 28930359 Arcanine level 100
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