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  1. hi @HappyMango, here's the reply from gorge while i tryin get in today into his house,
  2. I have a bug where my game got disconnected while trying to claim my free vampire clothes/houndoom mount during the halloween quest. When I logged back in it took me straight to the pc and if i go to gorge again, there's no option for the rewards, Is there any way for me to claim the free houndoom mount / vampire clothes again or is it gone forever? please help thanks My username is: lucayeoons Server : Silver
  3. same issue as mine. silver server : username is lucayeoons any info or is it bug from the game ? please help thank you so much.
  4. 5m1 :3
  5. offer 4.1m
  6. pm me sir in game hehe ty :Crazy:
  7. is breloom still available ?? can u contact me in game or inbox ty
  8. wtb shroomish or evolved h.a jolly with spore , h.a blaziken adamant / jolly pay well leave comment here or direct pm me in game :Cool: cheers!
  9. Re: WTS epic metagross adamant <r>insta price by Poochan1904<br/> <IMG src="https://i68.tinypic.com/2vi2wsh.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> insta 7m5 ty for bidding gl for u all <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
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