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About Whitebaron

  • Birthday 03/07/1997

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  1. Hi JustKaio, First of all trying to blackmailing us about leaving the game is totally pointless. If you dislike our game I'm sorry to hear it, but we don't force you to play, do what make you feel happy. We also wont work faster because you complain, you probably forgot that we are working on our free time and that it's a volunter work. If you are experiencing this issue since a long time then, you should push for it ealier on the forums. If it was the case and you didn't got any reply you should had bumped it so it don't get missed because yes you aren't the only one that encounter issue in PRO saddly. Anyway, I fixed your variable, sorry to not be much at home this weekend; next time I will teleport myself. Have a good day! WhiteBaron
  2. I applied a manual fix you can continue your progress without any problem Justingwapo. Have a nice day. WhiteBaron
  3. Hi Justingwapo, Can you please come back I uploaded my fix wrongly it should work now, if not I will later fix it manually. After walking on tiles you should be able to interact with Brawly. WhiteBaron
  4. Hello Justingwapo, I added a fix you can go back to Brawly and continue your quest freely you must walk on these tiles to get the fix applied. They are invisible for you so don't worry if you can't see them it will still work. Have a good day. WhiteBaron
  5. Hello KyloRen, I applied another fix, It should work properly now. Whitebaron
  6. Hello KyloRen, I applied a fix let me know if you still have any issue. Whitebaron
  7. Hello RyXe, I fixed the second issue also don't PM any staff member for personal support keep posting in your thread when you make one. Have a nice day. Whitebaron
  8. Hello everyone, Keep posting your ideas Im still reading everything. I want to add something new for my next project so keep going!
  9. Hello RyXe, Your issue should be now resolved. Please for your future reports provide more screen shoot/video. WhiteBaron
  10. Hello K0rean, It should be fixed. Please for your future reports provide more screen shoot/video. WhiteBaron
  11. cd79b6eeff3033e9f056cba555e32922.mp4
  12. Hello everyone, Im looking for some new items / in game boost creation / rewards ideas. If you could create any boost, item, or new way of rewarding in PRO(example: exclusive Keldeo Skin for the fishing contest) what would it be? By following theses steps post your ideas! Of course all broken ideas will be ignored try to stay objective and take in consideration that PRO is a MMO. Name: Description: How to obtain:
  13. This part of the quest is being reset each time you give a try which mean that even if one of your try is being bugged (cause of a server crash for example) this won’t impact anything and won’t require staff intervention. Futhermore most of players already successfully finished this part so you need to try harder and by yourself not by following a misleading guide.(some of there were made with a bug abuse that was permitting you to skip that part) Also keep in mind that it’s a matter of pixels you can’t see growlie entirely, and his spawn is randomly selected and can change at each try.
  14. An issue occurred AlphaRider, Check again it should be fine now. WhiteBaron
  15. Hello AlphaRider, I fixed your variables. Have a nice day. WhiteBaron
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