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Everything posted by Whitebaron

  1. Hi, can you be more explicit and explain better what you was doing exactly and what happened with your money bug, please? WhiteBaron
  2. Thanks for your report I will take a look to that with our Dev's. WhiteBaron
  3. It's should be fixed now with our last Client update. Thanks for your report. WhiteBaron
  4. It's gonna be fixed after the next server crash. WhiteBaron
  5. I don't think that will be worth to invest time on bot reborn for our dev's now since there is clearly more important things to fix/rework in the game. So that's not a priority but it will be of course fixed later.
  6. Lending is disabled because there are some bugs in it. So friend or guildmate, it changes nothing, bugs will still be there. It will be brought back only when it is gonna be fixed
  7. Hi and sorry for the delay I'm busy right now. An attack can be similar to an ability, but that doesn't mean that in the battle code it acts the same way (in terms of coding of course)for example, the turns system interact too in that case that need some modifications not worth in time invest. In addition, some attacks that are not essential for pvp will not be added now. Regarding the moove tutor I asked our scripters to temporarily remove it. WhiteBaron
  8. Hello @Benikisaki, Fixing a bug is not that simple. Every single change on a move can impact other things since they interact with each other and interact with abilities (even sometimes with the battle code). Also that's why we only fix (or ban) a move that can be abusable. It's not worth for our Dev's to spend their time to search for every single bug that can happen after making a change on a move since they are re-coding properly the whole battle code. For Outrage if it doesn't affect already any other move or ability it should be fixed already, as you can see it's not fixed yet. An ability (or a move) which is not absolutly needed to play for the Pokemon won't be coded for the reasons explained above. WhiteBaron.
  9. Thank you all for being as numerous every day on PRO.
  10. Hi [uSER=232817] PooPooAbs[/uSER], Can you please explain me what exactly you did before doing this boss ? For exemple if you did a wild battle, a trade, a lending, get zombies disconnections in pvp, server crash, what mooves was used exactly, Any rocks spikes set up, sending a mail? Thanks
  11. Hello @VehicleOutOfGas Staff members take a look at yours suggestions, you don't have to worry for that but that don't mean we have to reply at every suggetions we just think about it and wait for see what think the community. Also the hunt of Pokemon's in PRO is kinda hard and it's desired, it's a MMO if everyone can have a Pokemon easly or can change a IV + Ability easly the economy of our both server will start to be useless, so sometimes you should buy some Pokes it will be more worth. If all players can have everything so easly they will don't have many goal in game . Yes we got a PVP community but also some people just prefer hunt sell and collect their favorite Pokemon's . We have to make everyone +/- happy. You are a beginer ? and want make money ? no problem : -Hunt pokemon in Cerulean Cave or Pinkan Island Forest (around 50k/hours with MS) -Daycare (EV / LVL UP) for others peoples (around 35k 50k by pokemon) -Start to doing bosses (when you have unlock all of them you win like around 1m every 12 days ) -Start to doing digs (around 1m/1m5 by month you can do them every 3 days) -You are allowed to have 4 accounts on PRO so you can multiplied by 4 Boss and digs gains. Also our dev's are working on a Auction Housse in our new dashboard. Last thing Using Macro in pro is not authorized so you will not see a update for this. Thanks @WhiteBaron
  12. Thanks you , we are working hard for give you the best game experience. I hope all of you gonna continue to appreciate our work in the futur. Happy Christmas ! The Staff Team.
  13. Hey , Thanks for your informations . Some players got the same problem than you and all pokes come back after the end of the lending , if by no chance they don't come back i think it gonna be possible to get them back with your pokemons ID's .
  14. Hello Keabu , Im working for find a way for this bug and then for repport it at our Dev's .Infortunatly im not able to give you back your pokes (i haven't rights for it ) , they will come back when the duration of your lend gonna end (so after your 12 days of lending). Can you give more informations about what you and your friend was doing when he send you back your poke . For exemple : What you was doing when this bug happen ? You was disconnected , hunting ? You was In a poke center ? in wild / pvp battle ? Vs a boss ? in a quest ?or something like this, can you tell me ? Also i need to know same informations about your friend if you can ask him and then repport me that will be nice.
  15. Hello Louminetor, I'm sorry that other people could not help you before, probably because we was working hard on the event . I got some questions : What you was doing when this bug happen ? you was disconnected , hunting ? In a poke center ? in wild / pvp battle ? Vs a boss ? in a quest ? something like this, can you tell me ? Can you ask same things to your officier and send me the max informations possible please . Thanks.
  16. Hello Lola , i got some questions : What you was doing when this bug happen ? you was disconnected , hunting ? In a poke center ? in wild / pvp battle ? Vs a boss ? in a quest ? something like this, can you tell me ? Can you ask same things to your friend and send me the max informations possible please . Thanks.
  17. As you are aware, the new Sinnoh access quest can be bugged for some, where some NPC's required to progress are hidden. Friendly reminder that the old quest was deleted. You can check on PRO Discord #Announcements for being aware of our last updates. I'm creating this thread to regroup all bug reports regarding the Sinnoh access quest, so I can work more efficiently. Please follow this report template:
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