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Posts posted by Incarnate

  1. To the concerned ones,


    The Dragonite was moved to @Chichaii 's account who is the legitimate winner of the auction with a 7m5 bid on time. Beerusgod's bid was out of time and will be voided.

    @rolione As the issue was resolved without any complications, I'll let you go with a warning this time. Please be more careful with the auction times and bids from next time. Repeating this again will lead to sanctions.


    Since the trade was already forced, can you both check if everything is fine? @Chichaii @rolione


    Looking forward to your reply.

  2. I'm canceling my bid on this false seller the one before me can have it

    You can't cancel the bid once posted. The user can not trade as he was sanctioned for being not aware about the announcement made in PRO's official discord. However, this doesn't mean all the bids from Gold server will be voided as the only bids to be voided are the bids from silver as we can not force a cross server trade. I have forced the trade and moved the ralts to your account by deducting the offered 4m from your account. Have a check and let me know if everything is fine. @Godfrezy @Sienrel


    Thanks for comprehending.

  3. Hello there,


    The deal was just about leveling the poke and no EVs, right? Confirming it before I move the pokemon. Since you don't have any evidence regarding the deal made, your honesty is very much appreciated here.


    Looking forward to your reply.

  4. Hey @Dasnowman , I'd appreciate if you edit your shop and move all the event/shinies to their respective sub-forum if possible. You can make a shop their as there are people who mostly check that specific sub-forum instead of checking the entire trade forum for a shiny or any exotic form pokemon. And what not, the rules won't allow you to sell such pokemon here as well.

    Pokemon Shops - (Have lots of Pokemon to sell? This is the place for you)!


    • If you are selling/ auctioning 6 or more Pokemon, use this forum.
    • Do not sell Shiny Pokemon or Special Variant Pokemon here.


    Also, make sure that you are in compliance with our auction guide/rules and using our auction template.


    Please remove this as all the auctions must follow our auction rules and we do have a fixed 15 minutes for such situation.



    Just remove all the rules you have put up there and refer to our auction template.


    I will be checking the thread once its done. Thanks for comprehending.

  5. Upon checking further, it seems like the user has traded those pokemon with some other player. The player involved in this has been already informed about it and the infringed player was punished. I want you to logout for a while so that I can move your pokemon back. Let me know once you do so.


    Thanks for answer. He trick me, I wasn't careful - good lesson for the future... I suspected I might have been wrong during the lending, that's why in the first post I asked about lending history

    There is always a lend notification if you use the lending trade. If the notification doesn't appear, that means its a normal trade. Make sure to check it twice before clicking the accept button in the future to avoid being tricked like this again.

  6. You never used the lend option for trade. You simply traded away your pokemon.

    [spoiler=Trade]###Darahati - Sat Nov 23 2019 08:22:39 GMT+0000 Received trade objects - Darahati ID: 65 Alakazam FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 19633451

    ID: 59 Arcanine FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 19696715

    ID: 94 Gengar FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 328769


    Maybe he tricked you but you should be more careful before pressing the Accept button. What was the reason to lend him those pokemon?


    One more thing, You saw in my Trade log Weavile but You didn't saw Concledurr? Its strange because i bought them on The same time, last week, from one player. Are you sure you check my Trade logs? Doesn't look like it.

    Not good to speak like this. The CC is trying to help and you are questioning him for not doing the work properly?


    This is the lending trade which he was talking about. Not his fault if you trade pokemon normally instead of using the lend feature. The only lending trade which happened on saturday.


    ###Artravis - Sat Nov 23 2019 14:58:40 GMT+0000

    Given trade objects - Darahati


    ID: 461 Weavile FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 23361574

    ID: 468 Togekiss FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 30195821

    Received trade objects - Artravis





    And the pokemon should be already back to your account if you use the lending trade. I will let you know about your rest of the pokemon which were traded away once I track them. Be patient till then. Thanks.

  7. The rule is fine without any loophole. No one can twist it or abuse it, nor we punish people blindly. Most of the people in the community are aware about this and do appreciate its existence. You want us to punish trolls who change their mind after a deal is made. You also want people to get away who change their mind after making a deal. If you can suggest a rule which satisfies both, feel free to do so.


    Thread locked as its useless to continue the discussion further. Good day!

    • Like 5
  8. Why is it punished for just saying no i dont want anymore . I mean evryone sometimes in life thinks he sells his beloved thing and than pulls out .

    How is this no different than trolling? Can you find the intention here?


    LEASE STAFF , can u focus on trolls who on purpose call u to a place and say no i dont want anymore .

    According to you, its called "Troll", right? But you want people to get away with this, how is that a good experience?


    And here we get punished hard for it . Why did i never seen such rule in ohter games , ever in my life , and i play since myb 20 years . because it is ridiculous rule . That ur signing an agreement contract just cause u say yes i am selling it to u . I think ur overdoing it here with the rules but whatever .

    and to that thing about u cant grind money .


    I made 350k in victory road 3 , just killing pokes . yesterday and today morning together

    How long will you be repeating the same thing? There are lot of different things to enjoy other than killing zubats and geodudes. You can hunt, do PvE, PvP and lot of different quests. You are largely depending on a single source for money. That will end up with a burn out and you will move to find other ways to make money. Agree?

  9. Many people when they get angry at you because u didnt like to agree on their offer , they say u already agreed and u HAVE TO buy it from them or u will get reported .

    And they keep harras u by threathning u all the time .

    There is no deal made when you never agree to someone's offer. How can that be punished? The one who has to be punished here is the one who threatens you. Unless he provides us enough screens where you clearly breach our rules, you don't need to worry about anything.


    What upsets me most is also that they have succes in this .

    You are just questioning the competency of the T-Mods here. We don't enforce rules unless there is a breach. People do get warned/punished in case of providing false evidence or trying to fool us.

    i think this shouldnt be unless u really said hej come virdian here im waiting at u and i will buy it off u .

    To prevent trollers and wasting time .

    That's how it is done. Unless you agree to a place and price, a deal is never made. You get time to think if the price is really fair or you can just ask for PC in All/Help chat, as simple as that. Once you think its fair, accept a location to trade and finish it. End of the story.

    How can i play this game in peace when by evry misunderstanding with an jerk i get reported and get trade banned till i am perma banned .

    One guy literally said he got banned trade cause he didnt want sell one kid CC . imnot making this up and i dont know if it was truth but thats what he said .


    So im thinkin wow , i spend so much money in this game , and now some kid has power over my account and staff plays along with it .


    That makes me want to stop the game cause i fear of loosing the account .

    I can reach 1000 hours and get banned suddenly cause of this . If it is that easy way to trade ban someoen .


    And u get reported 100x u will get 100% banned .


    If rules are that hard they will get abused too to ur bad side .

    Rules are fine and easy to follow. Already wrote how it works and you get fair amount of time before making a deal. A deal simply means, both the party agree to w/e they offer or sell.

    TAFF shouldnt ban just for saying OK i sell u , oh sorry i found an better offer and i didnt know what prize it had before , so i wont let u rip me off and sell it to this guy .


    NOT EVRYONE KNOWS PRIZES PERFECT . and we are waiting for OFFERS of people that we can make most money.


    If u trade like this u get trade banned like already i saw with my own eyes with this other guy .

    I wont keep play till i will be that guy.

    Again, explained above. You are not forced to sell/buy things in a rush. Always take your time before looking for anything in trade chat. You can ask for a Price check in our Price check sub-forum if you can't find any help in-game.


    PLEASE STAFF , can u focus on trolls who on purpose call u to a place and say no i dont want anymore .


    And not on poor people who are not experienced and want to see the best offers they get and maybe decline sometimes.

    That's what you call fake selling/buying right? Its not a troll, according to you, I can put it like this "the seller just changed his mind and don't want to finish the trade" both the situation seems familiar, right?


    NOWHERE on earth it works like this that if u say OK I SELL u it is an agreement that u have to comply with .


    There is an agreement unless the poke has been traded and sold . FINISHED , IF SOMEONE SCAMS THERE U BAN THEM . with proof screenshots .



    Like i said this rule , by agreeing getting trade bans is ridiculous sry and many abuse it to make ur life to hell .

    Its an incomplete deal. No one gets punished for this. No one is forced to buy/sell anything. If you make a deal, that means you agree to the price and place. Both the users are satisfied and there is no loophole here. What's wrong with the rule?



    U guys just say obey the rule u tell us how to play and how to bargain in the game , i feel like u control me like an puppet how to play the game how to bargain .


    And get banned at the end of the day. And the best is , staff is always at jerk kids side yes true man

    Rules are here for a reason. You don't want people blatantly trolling each other or making fake deals/offers without any intention to buy. Considering how trading is very important in PRO as you can't make money just by grinding story or doing bosses and other PvE stuffs.

  10. I can help if you elaborate your whole problem. What makes you think like that? Rules are perfectly fine in their place. There might be something which draws someone's attention over other's sale. If you agree upon a deal, means you are interested on that particular sale. Are you forced to buy here?


    What if you step out from the deal? Aren't you wasting the sellers/buyers time? We don't punish unless a place and price both are agreed and the deal is closed. This means both the parties are satisfied with the deal without being forced to buy/sell anything.


    I'm down for a discussion if you behave and keep the discussion civil.

    Totally agree. You forgot to mention that moderators protect those kids no matter what. Thats why they ruined the game

    You got no business with the people who report you. Everything is up to us after someone is reported. Rules are enforced if any breach happens. Anything else?

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