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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Happyni/Chansey/- Natural Cure - Bold clefary/ clefable - magic guard/friend - bold Ferrosed/ferrothorn - sassy Timburr/Conkeldurr - ada - guts rotom wash - bold/timid gible/garchomp - impish h.a gligar/gliscor - careful h.a tangela/tangrowth - h.a sassy hp fire/ice larvesta/volcarona - timid h.p ground dratini/Dragonite - ada h.a gastly/gengar - timid 31spd 25,26+spatk riolu/lucario - ada- steadfast togepi/togekiss - serene grace - modest - spd 29+ hp ground Discord: Felipemuller#4706
  2. I buy pokemons pvp epic, in its final form and also in its initial form, trained or not. Some I'm looking for: konkeldurr, gliscor, volcarona, greninja, chansey, lucario, tangela, ferrothorn ...
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