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Posts posted by Itzronin

  1. On 6/16/2023 at 5:23 AM, Shiirahoshi said:

    Hello , i have returned after like  a year to play Pro again .

    I wanted ask how the sitaution in pro is , whats the next upcoming event ?  And is there anything new or important to know that has changed ?
    What most interest me how the player count is , if the game is kinda dead or still decent filled
    And are the devs still working on the game
    Thanks in advance

    Hey welcome back buddy 👋👋

    I hope you'll have a good time here....

    I also returned after 6 months hiatus a while ago and noticed few actually changes in this game, idk alot but I'll list out some.

    Like the the yard has been shifted from vermi to lavender and there a new dungeon has been introduced.

    The player count in average is decent as always and the dev are working in the upcoming events, forms, and maps too.

    The closest event is summer event, idk the ETA but it would somewhere around the next month.

    And so many funs things like random pvp, new poke forms, victini and it's dungeon quest and more event exclusive legendary quest has been made permanent.

    Well you can spend your quality time here and you'll get to know more about this and trust you'll like.

    So that is it, once more Welcome Back!!

    Have fun cyaaa!!

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